
فاذر آند صن (أغنية)

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فاذر آند صن أو أب وإبن (Father and Son)‏ هي أغنية شهيرة ألفها وقام بأدائها المغني الإنجليزي يوسف إسلام (كات ستيفنز سابقا) سنة 1970.[1][2][3]

أب وإبن
فاذر آند صن
Father and Son
أغنية يوسف إسلام (كات ستيفنز سابقا)
أب وإبن كات ستفنس.jpg

الفنان يوسف إسلام (كات ستيفنز سابقا)
تاريخ الإصدار 1970
النوع فولك روك 
اللغة إنجليزية
المدة 3:41
الكاتب يوسف إسلام (كات ستيفنز سابقا)
تلحين يوسف إسلام 

حول الأغنية

تعبر الأغنية عن أب لا يفهم رغبة ابنه في الخروج لإنشاء حياة جديدة وعن ابن لا يستطيع فعلاً التعبير عن نفسه لكنه يعلم أنه حان الوقت لتقرير مصيره الخاص، يتحاور الأب مع ابنه محاولا ثنيه عن المضي في طريقه ويتفّهم رغبته ولكنه يحذره من أنه لا زال شابا وأنه قد يندم مستقبلا، بينما يرد الابن قائلا أن القصة القديمة ذاتها تتكرر، فيما يبدو من أن الأب كان في شبابه ثائرا أيضا، وأنه وجد طريقه وسيمضي به ورغم عنوان الأغنية فإن نصها لا يورد أي ذكر لابن أو أب.

كلمات الأغنية

<td class="b" style="FATHER">FATHER<td style="width:2em;FATHER"><td class="b" style="FATHER">الأب:<td class="b" style="It's not time to make a change">It's not time to make a change<td style="width:2em;It's not time to make a change"><td class="b" style="It's not time to make a change">هذا ليس وقت التغيير<td class="b" style="Just relax, take it easy">Just relax, take it easy<td style="width:2em;Just relax, take it easy"><td class="b" style="Just relax, take it easy">كُن هادئا، تمّهل.<td class="b" style="You're still young, that's your fault">You're still young, that's your fault<td style="width:2em;You're still young, that's your fault"><td class="b" style="You're still young, that's your fault">ما زلتَ شابا، هذا هو خطؤك.<td class="b" style="There's so much you have to know">There's so much you have to know<td style="width:2em;There's so much you have to know"><td class="b" style="There's so much you have to know">هناك الكثير مازال عليك أن تعرفه.<td class="b" style="Find a girl, settle down">Find a girl, settle down<td style="width:2em;Find a girl, settle down"><td class="b" style="Find a girl, settle down">اعثر على فتاة، استقر<td class="b" style="If you want you can marry">If you want you can marry<td style="width:2em;If you want you can marry"><td class="b" style="If you want you can marry">ولو أردت فبإمكانك الزواج<td class="b" style="Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy">Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy<td style="width:2em;Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy"><td class="b" style="Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy">أنظرِ إلي، أنا عجوز، لكنني سعيد.<td class="b" style="I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy">I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy<td style="width:2em;I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy"><td class="b" style="I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy">كنتُ يوما مثلك الآن، وأعرف أنه ليس من السهل.<td class="b" style="To be calm when you've found something going on">To be calm when you've found something going on<td style="width:2em;To be calm when you've found something going on"><td class="b" style="To be calm when you've found something going on">أن تحافظ على هدوئك إذا وجدت شيئا ما يحدث.<td class="b" style="But take your time, think a lot">But take your time, think a lot<td style="width:2em;But take your time, think a lot"><td class="b" style="But take your time, think a lot">ولكن خذ وقتك، فكر مليا<td class="b" style="Why, think of everything you've got">Why, think of everything you've got<td style="width:2em;Why, think of everything you've got"><td class="b" style="Why, think of everything you've got">لماذا، فكّر بكل الأشياء التي تملك.<td class="b" style="For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not">For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not<td style="width:2em;For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not"><td class="b" style="For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not">لأنك ستبقى هنا غذا، أما أحلامك فربما لا.<td class="b" style="SON">SON<td style="width:2em;SON"><td class="b" style="SON">الإبن:<td class="b" style="How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again">How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again<td style="width:2em;How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again"><td class="b" style="How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again">كيف يمكنني أن أوضح، كلما أحاول ذلك يبتعد من جديد.<td class="b" style="It's always been the same, same old story">It's always been the same, same old story<td style="width:2em;It's always been the same, same old story"><td class="b" style="It's always been the same, same old story">إنها القصة القديمة ذاتها تتكرر باستمرار.<td class="b" style="From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen">From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen<td style="width:2em;From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen"><td class="b" style="From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen">منذ اللحظة التي كنت قادرا فيها على التكلم، كنت مرغما على الإنصات.<td class="b" style="Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away">Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away<td style="width:2em;Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away"><td class="b" style="Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away">الأن هناك طريق وأعلم أنه عليّ الذهاب بعيدا.<td class="b" style="I know I have to go">I know I have to go<td style="width:2em;I know I have to go"><td class="b" style="I know I have to go">أعلم أنه عليّ الذهاب.<td class="b" style="FATHER">FATHER<td style="width:2em;FATHER"><td class="b" style="FATHER">الأب:<td class="b" style="It's not time to make a change">It's not time to make a change<td style="width:2em;It's not time to make a change"><td class="b" style="It's not time to make a change">هذا ليس وقت التغيير<td class="b" style="Just sit down, take it slowly">Just sit down, take it slowly<td style="width:2em;Just sit down, take it slowly"><td class="b" style="Just sit down, take it slowly">إجلس فحسب، وتمهل.<td class="b" style="You're still young, that's your fault">You're still young, that's your fault<td style="width:2em;You're still young, that's your fault"><td class="b" style="You're still young, that's your fault">ما زلت غضا، هذا هو خطؤك.<td class="b" style="There's so much you have to go through">There's so much you have to go through<td style="width:2em;There's so much you have to go through"><td class="b" style="There's so much you have to go through">هناك الكثير عليك أن تنهيه.<td class="b" style="Find a girl, settle down">Find a girl, settle down<td style="width:2em;Find a girl, settle down"><td class="b" style="Find a girl, settle down">حاول أن تجد لك فتاة، استقر<td class="b" style="If you want you can marry">If you want you can marry<td style="width:2em;If you want you can marry"><td class="b" style="If you want you can marry">ولو أردت فبإمكانك الزواج<td class="b" style="Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy">Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy<td style="width:2em;Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy"><td class="b" style="Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy">أنظرِ إلي، أنا عجوز، لكنني سعيد.<td class="b" style="All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside">All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside<td style="width:2em;All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside"><td class="b" style="All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside">طوال الوقت الذي بكيت فيه، مخفيا كل الأشياء التي أعرف بداخلي.<td class="b" style="It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it">It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it<td style="width:2em;It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it"><td class="b" style="It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it">إنه صعب، لكن الأصعب هو تجاهله.<td class="b" style="If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them you know not me">If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them you know not me<td style="width:2em;If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them you know not me"><td class="b" style="If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them you know not me">إن كانوا على حق، أنا متفق، ولكنهم هم كما تعلم وليس أنا.<td class="b" style="Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away">Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away<td style="width:2em;Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away"><td class="b" style="Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away">الأن أمامي طريق و أعلم أنه عليّ المضي به قُدُماً.<td class="b" style="I know I have to go">I know I have to go<td style="width:2em;I know I have to go"><td class="b" style="I know I have to go">أعلم أنه يجب علي المضي قدما.

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