
تعليم النائم

تعليم النائم أو الهيبنوبيديا (Sleep-learning)‏ هو محاولة لنقل المعلومات إلى شخص نائم وعادة من خلال لعب تسجيل الصوت له أثناء نومه. البحوث على هذا الموضوع لم تكن حاسمة. وهناك بعض الدراسات المبكرة التي تشيرإلى عدم فعالية التقنية [1][2] في حين أن آخرين وجدوا أن الدماغ يتفاعل مع المحفزات أثناء النوم.[3][4]

مقالات ذات صلة


  1. Ackerman, Jennifer (2007). Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream. Houghton Mifflin Books.  . مؤرشف من الأصل في 08 فبراير 2020. p. 171 "But most scientist agree that learning during sleep--that is actively acquiring new knowledge--is probably impossible. Certainly, attempts to teach slumbering adult subjects vocabulary or foreign languages or lists of items has failed miserably."
  2. Turkington, Carol (2003). 12 Steps to a Better Memory. Simon and Schuste.  . مؤرشف من الأصل في 08 فبراير 2020. p. 9 "While it is popularly believed that a person can learn while you are very drowsy, or even in a very light sleep. The material must be presented at just the right time; if you are not sleepy enough, the material will wake you up, and if you're deeply asleep, the materials won't make an impression at all. In addition, complex material involving reasoning or understanding can't be learned while in a drowsy state."
  3. Stromberg, Joseph (June 26, 2012). "Experiments Show We Really Can Learn While We Sleep". smithsonianmag.com. Smithsonian magazine. مؤرشف من الأصل في 10 أغسطس 201818 نوفمبر 2015.
  4. "Learning while you sleep may be possible". ديلي تلغراف. 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 18 ديسمبر 201413 ديسمبر 2014. Once the participants were asleep, the testing continued but with an entirely new list of words to ensure that responses would require the extraction of word meaning rather than a simpler pairing between stimulus and response. Brain activity showed that the participants continued to respond accurately, although more slowly, even as they lay completely motionless and unaware.

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