
كارلوس ساندوفال

ملحن ألماني

كارلوس ساندوفال هو ملحن ألماني، ولد في 6 سبتمبر 1956.[1][2][3]

كارلوس ساندوفال
معلومات شخصية
الميلاد 6 سبتمبر 1956 (64 سنة) 
مواطنة Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا 
الحياة العملية
المهنة ملحن 


  1. Ibid., Ituarte, Maru, 2010
  2. Zwenzner, Michael: "Ensemble Mosaik, diskrete Maschinen", Program catalogue, Klangspuren Schwaz 2016, p63, Tirol, Austria, 2016.
  3. "(…)I was born in one of the poorest barrios in Mexico City and had an unstable primary education. Since there were six of us children and the resources were very limited, my parents decided to subscribe only one of us at a time, each year, to the first Freinet active-school in Mexico City, a very expensive one.(…) Growing up, I have always lived in between two extremes: the incredibly violent street life in the barrio and the most delicate family friends like David Alfaro Siqueiros, ليوبولدو منديز, Elena Huerta, Pablo O’higgins, Elizabeth Cattlet, Mariana Yampolsky and others. I cannot imagine this fact not having some kind of an influence, or a role later in my artistic life." Ituarte Maru, "Interview with Carlos Sandoval (In Spanish, German subtitles), HD Video, 2010, 24:15", http://vimeo.com/17957124

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