ولد بشير نافع بفلسطين، ويعيش في بريطانيا منذ منتصف الثمانينات، حيث حصل على درجتي دكتوراة من كلية الملك، جامعة لندن، وجامعة ريدنغ. وقد قام بتدريس التاريخ الإسلامي والدراسات الشرق أوسطية بكلية بيركبك، جامعة لندن، والكلية الإسلامية بلندن، والمعهد العالي للدراسات الإسلامية بليستر. ويعمل الآن باحثاً في مركز الجزيرة للدراسات. وقد نشر العديد من الدراسات بالإنجليزية والعربية حول تاريخ القومية العربية والقضية الفلسطينية، وحول الإسلام المعاصر والتاريخ الفكري للإسلام، سيما تاريخ السلفية والتصوف، في عدد من الدوريات الأكاديمية، بما في ذلك:
بشير نافع | |
معلومات شخصية | |
الميلاد | سنة 1953 (العمر 66–67 سنة) |
مواطنة | ![]() |
الحياة العملية | |
المهنة | سياسي، ومؤرخ |
المنتقى، الإنسان، قراءات سياسية، الاجتهاد، مراصد،
The Arab Review, Islamic Studies, The Muslim World, Journal of Islamic Studies, Middle East Affairs Journal, The Arab Studies Quarterly, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Die Welt de Islams, Islamic Law and Society, Journal of Qur’anic Studies.
وتشمل الكتب التي نشرها: بالعربية:
الإمبريالية والصهيونية والقضية الفلسطينية (القاهرة، 1999)؛ العراق: سياقات الوحدة والانقسام (القاهرة، 2006)؛ الإسلاميون (بيروت، 2010).
Arabism, Islamism and the Palestine Question: 1908-1941 (Reading, 1998); The Rise and Decline of the Arab-Islamic Reform Movement (London, 2000);
Islamic Thought in the Twentieth Century (co-editor, London, 2005).
كما ساهم في مشروع اليونسكو حول تاريخ العالم.
المؤهلات العلمية
- 1991-1996 : دكتوراه في التاريخ الحديث من جامعة ريدينغ لندن -إنجلترا: University of Reading
وموضوعها: The politics of Arabism, Islamism and the Palestinian question 1908-1941
أي: السياسة والعروبة والإسلام السياسي والقضية الفلسطينية ما بين 1908-1941 م. والتي نشرت في كتاب لاحقآ.
- 1991: دورة في فلسفة العلوم من المعهد الإسلامي في لندن.
The Muslim Institute, London
- 1988 - 1989: زميل باحث (ما بعد الدكتوراه) في مستشفى القديس جورج التابع لكلية الطب في لندن: St George Hospital Medical School, London
- 1983-1987 دكتوراه في العلوم البيولوجية, من قسم المايكروبيولوجيا (الأحياء الدقيقة) من كلية كنغز كوليج - جامعة لندن -إنجلترا
Kings College, London. Department of Microbiology
وموضوعها: Aspects of growth and carbonicanhydrase synthesis in neisseria
أي: "جوانب نمو وتوليفة إنزيم كربونيك إنهيدريز في النيسرية",
[ للعلم فإن النيسريات هي عائلة كبيرة من البكتيريا المرهفة والمُطاعَمة, أخذت اسمها من اسم عالم البكتيرياتوطبيب الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية وعلم المناعة الألماني البروفيسور البرت لودفيغ سيغموند نيسر (1855-1916) والمولود والمتوفي في مدينة فروتسواف البولندية Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser]
- 1979-1981: ماجستير، في علم الأحياء الدقيقة، من جامعة القاهرة.
وكان موضوع رسالته للماجستير هو:
"عزل وتحديد مرض أنفلونزا الخنازير في مصر"، "Isolation and Identification of Swine Influenza in Egypt"
- 1971-1976 بكالوريوس في العلوم البيطرية، من جامعة القاهرة.
الكتابة في المجلات
يجيد اللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية ونوعآ ما الفرنسية, ونشر له العديد من الدراسات بالإنجليزية والعربية حول تاريخ وقضايا القومية العربية والقضية الفلسطينية، وحول الإسلام المعاصر والتاريخ الفكري للإسلام وغيرها, في عدد من الدوريات الأكاديمية، بما في ذلك:
- المنتقى،
- الإنسان،
- الاجتهاد،
- مراصد،
- The Arab Review,
- Islamic Studies,
- The Muslim World,
- Journal of Islamic Studies,
- Middle East Affairs Journal,
- The Arab Studies Quarterly,
- International Journal of Middle East Studies,
- Die Welt de Islams,
- Islamic Law and Society,
- Journal of Qur'anic Studies.
ومن أهم البحوث وأوراق العمل والمحاضرات التي قدمها دكتور نافع في المؤتمرات والفعاليات العلمية والفكرية الدولية:
- ”The Syrian Revolution.” SETA, Quo Vadis: Regional Perspectives on the Syrian Crisis, Ankara, 3 April 2012.
- “On the historical origins of the Islamic political forces.” Islam-Expo, Seminar on Political Islam, London, 12-13 July 2008.
- “Inspiration by the past, awareness of the present, and exploration of the future: The significance of al-mashriq forum.” The First Meeting of al-Mashriq Forum,” Doha, 5-6 June 2008.
- “The origin and development of the political Islamic trend.” Forward Thinking, The House of Parliament, London, 6 December 2007.
- “The democratic option in the Arab World.” Al-Jazeera Centre for Studies Monthly Seminar, Doha, Qatar, end of July, 2007.
- “The Islamic reformist roots of Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.” The Conference on Shaykh Qaradawi, The Wasatiyya Centre, Doha, Qatar, 14-16 July 2007.
- “Consensus and reform in the Arab World.” The Conference on Laws’ Reform between Aspiration and Reality, The Friedrich Naumann Foundation and The Arab Centre for the Rule of Law and Integrity, Beirut. The Arab League, Cairo, Egypt, 26-29 June 2007.
- “The reformist legacy of al-Tahir b. ‘Ashur.” The First Centenary of al-Imam Muhammad Abduh, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 4-5 December, 2005.
- “Qutb, salafiyya and violence.” Conference on Violence and Civility, Centre for Political Research, Cairo University and London School of Economics, Cairo, May 2005.
- “The historical origins of modern salafiyya.” Al-Furqan Foundation, Surry, England, 11 March 2004.
- “Palestine: prospects of war and peace.” The Gulf Cultural Centre, London, 15 May 2002.
- “The historical origins of Islamic radicalism.” The International Forum for Islamic Dialogue, London, 16 February 2002.
- “Islam and the West in the aftermath of September 11.” Maghreb Centre for Research, SOAS, London, 26 October 2001.
- “Citizenship and the traditional Islamic polity.” Project for the Study of Democracy in the Arab World, Oxford, 26 August 2000.
- “Was there a Golden Age?” International Council of Christians and Jews, Seville, Spain, 4 July 2000.
- “Pan-Islamic Identity,” United Nations Association, Oxford University, Trinity College, 15 May 2000.
- “Islam and the Crisis of Government in the Sudan,” London Forum for Islamic Dialogue”, London, 25 February 2000.
- “Al-Alusi and His Interpretation of the Qur’an,” Centre of Islamic Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 9 February 2000.
- “Embracing History in Turbulent Times,” Circle of Tradition and Progress, Leicester, 1-2 October 1999.
- “Islam and Civil Society: A Reassessment,” Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, London, 23 April 1999.
- “The Intellectual Background of Hasan al-Banna,” Seminar on the Life and Works of Hasan al-Banna, The Islamic League of Great Britain, London, 18 February 1999.
- “Notes on Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993, by Yazid Saiygh,” Centre for Palestine Return, London, 13 October 1998.
- “Origins of the Arab-Islamic Reform Movement,” London Forum for Islamic Dialogue, London, 2 August 1997.
- “The Early Islamic Reformists,” The Muslim Institute, London, 11 July 1997.
- “The Traditional Islamic State and the Modern State,” 21st Century Trust: Conference on Islam and the West, Cairo, 16-23 February 1997.
- “Intellectual Features of the New Islamic Discourse,” London Forum for Islamic Dialogue, London, 3 January 1997.
- “Origins of the Legitimacy Crisis in the Arab World,” Seminar on Political Legitimacy in Islam, Liberty for the Muslim World, London, 8 July 1996.
- “The Legacy of the Islamic Reform Movement,” IIIT, Herndon, Virginia, 15-19 May 1995.
- “Representing and Re-Presenting Islam,” Roundtable, University of Maryland at
College Park, 2 November 1994.
- “The Islamic Reformist Origins of Arab Nationalism,” The Arab Nationalist-Islamic Conference, Beirut, October 1994.
- “The Modern Islamic Thought,” Student Development Project, The International Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, Virginia, 15-17 April 1994.
- “Decline of Traditional Society in the Arab Mashriq,” Seminar on Political, Sectarian, and Ethnic Plurality in the Arab World, the International Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, Virginia, November, 1993.
- “The Social Origins of the Modern Arab Islamists,” Symposium on Islam and Government in the Middle East, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, April, 1992.
- “The Imperialist Projects towards Palestine in the Nineteenth Century,” Seminar on the Political Geography of Islam, Centre for Islamic World Studies, Malta, November 1990.
- “The Jewish Question in European History,” Seminar on Religious and Civilizational Interaction, Centre for Islamic World Studies, Malta, November 1989.
- “The Intifada in Two Years,” The Annual Conference of the Islamic Concern Project, Chicago, December 1989.
- “The Palestinian Intifada in Historical Context,” The Annual Conference of the Islamic Concern Project, St. Louis, December 1988.
- “Expression of Carbonic Anhydrase and Related Gene Products in Diverse Micro-organisms,” The Annual Conference of the British Biochemical Society, London, December 1985.
أعماله الفكرية والعلمية المنشورة
-“The abolition of the Caliphate: Causes and Consequences,” in I. D. Thiam, A. Ali and Y. Talib (eds.), Islam in the World Today, volume VI of the UNESCO’s Project on The History of Islam (English, French and Arabic; UNESCO: Paris). To be published.
-“Islamic Contemporary Movements and Islamic Political Parties,” in I. D. Thiam, A. Ali and Y. Talib (eds.), Islam in the World Today, volume VI of the UNESCO’s Project on The History of Islam (English, French and Arabic; UNESCO: Paris). To be published.
-“Hamilton Gibb, Arab Unity and the Several Faces of Orientalism,” (in Arabic), Al-Doha, vol. 3, 29, March 2010.
-“Salafism Reawakening: Nu‘man al-Alusi and the Trial of the Two Ahmads.” Die Welt des Islams, vol. 49, 2009.
-“Il modernismo e riformismo islamici,” in Roberto Tottolo (ed.), Le religioni e il Moderno, Volumes III: Islam (Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2009).
-“The Arabs and Modern Turkey: A Century of Changing Perceptions.” Insight Turkey, vol. 11, 1, 2009.
- “The Palestinian Situation: Crisis, Reconciliation, and the Future of the National Movement.” Al-Jazeera Papers, No. 7, 2008, Aljazeera Centre for Studies, Doha. (in Arabic)
-“Iran, the People and the Crisis,” Al-Jazeera Papers, No. 2, 2008, Al-Jazeera Centre for Studies, Doha. (in Arabic; in association with Talal Atrisi).
-“Civilizational or Political: The Reality of the Present Tension between the Muslim World and the West,” in Khalid Hajji (ed.), Islamic and the West: For a Better Future (Doha and Beirut: Aljazeera Centre for Studies and the Arab Scientific Publishers, 2007).
-“The Palestinian Situation in 2006: The Year of Change and Siege,” (in English and Arabic), in M. Salih (ed.), The Palestinian Strategic Report for 2006 (Beirut: al-Zaytuna Centre for Research, 2007).
-“He was a Teacher of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab: Muhammad Hayat al-Sindi and the Revival of Ashab al-Hadith’s Methodology,” Islamic Law and Society, vol. 13, 2, 2006.
-“The Palestinian Situation in 2005: Transition and the Search for Consensus,” (in English and Arabic), in M. Saleh and B. Nafi (eds.), The Palestinian Strategic Report, 2005 (Beirut: al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies, 2006 and 2007).
-“The Salafi Dimensions of Islamic Radicalism,” (in Arabic) in Muhammad Salim al-Awa (ed.), Terrorism: Its Origins, Forms, and Ways of Dealing with It (London: al-Furqan Foundation, 2005).
-“Al-Tahir b. ‘Ashur: The Career and Thought of a Modern Reformist ‘Alim, with Special Reference to His Work of Tafsir,” Journal of Qur’anic Studies, vol. 7, 1, 2005.
-“Fatwa and War: On the Allegiance of the American Muslim Soldier in the Aftermath of September 11,” Islamic Law and Society, vol. 11, 1, 2004.
-“The Rise of Islamic Reformist Thought and the Challenge to Traditional Islam,” in S. Taji-Farouki and B. Nafi (eds.), Islamic Thought in the Twentieth Century (London: I B Tauris, 2004).
-“Tasawwuf and Reform in Pre-Modern Islamic Culture: In Search of Ibrahim al-Kurani,” Die Welt des Islams, vol. 42, 3, 2002.
-“Abu al-Thana’ al-Alusi: An ‘Alim, Ottoman Mufti and Exegete of the Qur’an,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. 34, 3, 2002.
- “The Arab Islamists and the Arab Nationalists: Shadows of the Past, Glimpses of the Future,” Middle East Affairs Journal, vol. 6, 1-2, 2000.
- “The Palestinian Islamists and the Palestine Question: 1950-1980,” (in Arabic), Marasid, vol. 1, 2, 1999.
- “King Faysal, the British and Arab Unity,” Islamic Studies, vol. 37, 4, 1998.
- “Islam, the Army and Democracy in Modern Turkey,” Middle East Affairs Journal, vol. 3, 3-4, 1997.
- “Shaykh Izz al-Din al-Qassam: A Reformist and Rebel Leader,” Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, 1997.
- “The Arabs and the Axis Powers, 1933-1940,” Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 19, 2, 1997.
- “The General Islamic Congress of Jerusalem Reconsidered,” The Muslim World, vol. 86, July-October 1996.
- “The Emergence of Palestinian Political Trends at the End of the Ottoman Era,” Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 5, winter 1995.
- “Late Ottoman Palestine: The Age of Political Break-up,” The Muslim World, vol. 84, July-October 1994.
- “From Unity to Disintegration: Primary Notes on the Decline of the Traditional Society,” (in Arabic), al-Ijtihad, vol. 5, January 1994.
- “A New Phase in the Palestinian National Movement,” (in Arabic), Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 2, 1992.
- “The Religious and Geopolitical Dimensions of the Imperialist Projects toward Palestine During the 19th Century,” (in Arabic), al-Insan, vol. 1, 1990-1991.
- “Europe: From the Cold War to an Era of Uncertainty,” (in Arabic), Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 1, 1990.
- “Christian Europe and the Jewish Question,” (in Arabic), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Centre for Islamic World Studies, Malta, 1989.
- “Issues of the Contemporary Islamic Enterprise,” Courier de L’Islam, vol. 4, no. 2, Autumn 1988.
- “The Communist Movement in Palestine, 1919-1948,” Courier de L’Islam, vol. 2, 1, Winter 1985.
-“Expression of Carbonic Anhydrase in Neisseria and Other Heterotrophic Bacteria,” Journal of Medical Microbiology, vol. 32, 1, 1990.
- “Factors Affecting the Survival of Neisseria Sicca,” Microbios, vol. 53, 1988.
- “Microcalorimetric Determination of the Kinetics of Substrate Utilisation by Non-Growing Suspensions of Neisseria sicca,” Microbios, vol. 54, 1988.
- “Expression of Carbonic Anhydrase and Related Gene Products in Diverse Micro-Organisms,” Biochem. Soc. Trans., vol., 14, 1986.
- “Serological Studies on Swine Influenza in Egypt,” International Journal of Zoonoses, vol. 2, no. 8, 1981,
Books :
-Arabism, Islamism and the Palestine Question, 1908-1941: A Political History, Ithaca Press, Reading, 1998.
- Imperialism, Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism (in Arabic), Cairo, Dar al-Shuruq, 1999.
- The Rise and Decline of the Arab-Islamic Reform Movement, London, ICIT Papers, 2000.
- Islamic Thought in the Twentieth Century (co-editor; in association with S. Taji-Farouki), London, I. B. Tauris, 2004.
- The Palestinian strategic Report: 2005 (co-editor; in association with Muhsin Salih; in English and Arabic), Beirut, al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies, 2006.
-Iraq: Contexts of Unity and Disintegration. A Reading in Sunnism, Shi‘ism, and the Arab Identity (in Arabic), Cairo, Dar al-Shuruq, 2006.
-The Islamists (in Arabic), Beirut, al-Dar al-‘Arabiyya, 2010.
-Al-Tuhfa al-Bahiyya fi Tabaqat al-Shafi‘iyya by Shaykh ‘Abdallah al-Sharqawi. A critical edition. in progress.
المؤتمرات التي أشرف على تنظيمها
- Roundtable with Hasan al-Turabi. First of the Islamic-American Intellectual Dialogue Project, Wise, Tampa, Florida, May 1992.
- Seminar on Islam and the West, the International Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, Virginia, 10-12 March 1995.
- وكان محررآ ومشرفآ على تحرير وإعداد المجلات والدوريات والنشرات والتقارير العلمية والفكرية التالية:
- Qira'at Siyasiyya (Arabic Quarterly), 1991-1994. The World & Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE), P. 0. Box 16648, Tampa, Florida 33687-6648.
- The American Journal of lslamic Social Sciences, 1995-1996. P O Box 669, Herndon, Virginia 22070.
- وكعضو في هيئة تحرير ما يلي:
- Al-Alam (Arabic Weekly), London, 1985-1987. 55-57 Banner Street, London ECl Y8PX, U. K.
- Courier de L'Islam (Trilingual Quarterly), 1985-1990. ARCS, B. P. 123, 42700 Firminy, France.
- Qira'at Siyasiyya (Arabic Quarterly), 1994-6. The World & Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE), P. 0. Box 16648, Tampa, Florida 33687-6648.
- The Muslim World, 1994-Present. Hartford Seminary, 77 Sherman Street, Hartford, CT 06105.
- وقام بمراجعة وتقييم ونقد الكتب والأعمال العلمية الأتية:
Review Essays:
- “Imperialism, Class and Power in pre-Republican Egypt”. A Review of Abbas Hilmi II, The Last Khedive of Egypt: Memoirs of Abbas Hilmi II, translated and edited by Amira Sonbol (Reading: Ithaca, 1998), 390 pp., and The Egyptian Upper Class Between Revolutions, 1919-1952 by Magda Baraka (Reading: Ithaca, 1998), 328 pp., Islamic Studies, vol. 41, 2002.
- “Nationalism, Islam and State-Building in Palestinian History”. A Review of Palestine Documents, by Zafarul-Islam Khan (New Delhi: Pharos and Institute of Islamic and Arab Studies, 1998), 894 pp., and Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993, by Yezid Sayigh (Oxford and Washington, DC: Institute for Palestine Studies and Clarendon Press, 1997), 953 pp., The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 19, 3, 1999.
- “The Ottoman Decline Revisited”. A Review of The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire, by Alan Palmer (London: John Murray Publishers, 1992), 306 pp., and Al-Dawla al-‘Uthmaniyya: Qira’a Jadida fi ‘Awamil al-Inhitat, by Qaiys J. al-‘Azzawi (Beirut and Tampa: Arab Scientific Publishers and World and Islam Studies Enterprise, 1994), 222 pp., Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 5, summer 1995.
Book Reviews:
-Liberal Thought in the Eastern Mediterranean: Late 19th century until the 1960s, by Christoph Schumann (ed.), The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 30, 3, 2010.
-From Arabian Tribes to Islamic Empire, by Patricia Crone, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 29, 4, 2009.
- Islamic Imperial Law: Harun al-Rashid’s Codification of Law, by Benjamin Jokisch, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 29, 1, 2008.
- In Search of the True Political Position of the ‘Ulama, by Lars Bjørneboe, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 28, 2, 2008.
- Islamic Ecumenism in the 20th Century: The Azhar and Shiism between Rapprochement and Restraint, by Rainer Brunner, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 26, 4, 2006.
- The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law, by Wael B. Hallaq, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 26, 2, 2006.
-The Paradoxical Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Moment of Reform, by Daryl Champion, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 25, 1, 2004.
- Secularism and the Arab World, by Nazik Saba Yared, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 24, 2, 2004.
- Liberal Islam: A Source Book, by Charles Kurzman, ed., Journal of Qur’anic Studies, vol. 3, 2, 2001.
- Ottoman Jerusalem: The Living City, 1517-1917, by Sylvia Auld and Robert Hillenbrand, eds., with an architectural survey by Yusuf Natsheh, Impact International, vol. 31, 11, November 2001.
- Frontiers of the State in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Transjordan, 1850-1921, by Eugene L. Rogan, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 22, 1, 2001.
- Islam in the World, by Malise Ruthven, Journal of Qur’anic Studies, vol. 3, 1, 2001.
- The Making of an Egyptian Arab Nationalist: The Early Years of Azzam Pasha, 1893-1936, by Ralph Coury, The Muslim World Book Review, vol. 20, 3, Spring 2000.
- Al-Azamat al-Ijtima‘iyya fi Misr fi al-‘Ahd al-‘Uthmani, by Nasir Ibrahim, Marasid, vol. 1, 2, 1999.
- Militarism in Arab Society: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Sourcebook, by John Walter Jandora, The Muslim World, vol. 89, 2, 1999.
- Problems of the Modern Middle East in Historical Perspective, by John Spagnolo, ed., The Middle East Book Review, vol. 6, 3, 1997.
- Riding the Storm: Hamas’ Bid to Lead the Palestinian People, by Ali Jarbawi, Middle East Affairs Journal, vol. 2, 2-3, 1995.
- The Palestinians: The Making of a People, by Baruch Kimmerling and Joel S. Migdal, The Muslim World, vol. 85, 1, 1995.
-(in association with J. Jreisat) The Calligraphic State: Textual Domination and History in a Muslim Society, by BrinkIey Messick, Journal of African and Asian Studies, 3-4, 1994.
- Al-Islam al-Siyasi: Sawt at-Janub, by Francois Burgat, Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 3, Spring 1993.
- Economic Life in Ottoman Jerusalem, by Amnon Cohen, The Muslim World, vol. 83, 1, 1993.
- Filastin: al-Sha‘b, al-Hadara, al-Tarikh al-Siyasi, Min ‘Ahd al-Kan‘anyyin Hata al-Qarn al-‘Ishrin, by Bayan Nwayhid al-Hout, Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 2, summer 1992.
- له مساهمات وتعليقات ومقالات قصيرة حول المواضيع التالية:
In English -“Nationalism vs Islam,” www. aljazeera. net/english, 4 February 2008.
-“The Imperatives of Continuity,” Al-Ahram Weekly, no. 717, 18 November 2004.
-“Ahmad Sidqi b. Muhammad al-Tayyib al-Dajani, 7 May 1936 - 28 December 2003: Obituary,” Impact International, February 2003.
- “The Root of all Evil,” Al-Ahram Weekly, no 620, 9 January 2003.
- “Whither Arab Independence?,” Al-Ahram Weekly, no. 613, 21 November 2002.
- “Was There a Golden Age,” Convivencia Enhancing Identity Through Encounter Between Jews, Christians and Muslims, International Council of Christians and Jews, Martin Buber House, Heppenheim, Germany, Number 29, 2001, 202-206.
- “Bin Laden, Taliban and ‘Radical Islam’: Rather Quite Different Story,” with S. Taji-Farouki, Impact International, November 2001.
- “Adil Husain, 1932-2001: Obituary,” Impact International, May 2001.
- “Islamic Iran’s Latest Crisis: Internal Debate about the Nature of Governance,” Crescent International, August 1999.
- “The Contemporary Islamic Political Forces: Traditional or Modern?,” The Arab Review, vol. 3, Summer 1994.
In Arabic -“Accumulated identities, overlapping identities, or conflicting identities,” al-Mustaqbal al-‘Arabi, vol. 33, 377, July 2010.
-“The Georgian crisis,” al-Jazeera Situation Report, August 2008.
-“On the origins of Islamic law,” Mawazeen, vol. 3, 16, June 2008.
-“Is a new war still probable?” al-Jazeera Situation Report, April 2008.
-“Is the Egyptian regime facing an imminent threat?” al-Jazeera Situation Report, April 2008.
-“The modern state, identity, and the question of the minorities: the Turkish case,” Mawazeen, vol. 3, 15, March 2008.
- “Iraq: five years of occupation,” al-Jazeera Situation Report, February 2008.
-“The Question of modernity in the Arab-Islamic Context,” Mawazeen, vol. 2, 10, February 2007.
- “The American Project in Iraq: Four Years of Occupation.” Al-Jazeera Papers, March 2007, Aljazeera Centre for Studies, Doha. (in Arabic)
-“The modern state in the Arab-Islamic region and the question of stability,” Mawazeen, vol. 1, 8, November 2006.
-“Between ahl al-hal wa’l-‘aqd and the democratic system of representation,” Mawazeen, vol. 1, 7, October 2006.
-“The American democratization project: A confused reading of the Arab situation,” Mawazeen, vol. 1, 5, May 2006.
-“Deformed democracies and local priorities: Recipes for inner divisions and disintegration,” Mawazeen, vol. 1, 4, April 2006.
-“Sectarianism and federalism in occupied Iraq,” Mawazeen, vol. 1, 2, February 2006.
-“Arabism, Islam and the question of nationalism,” Mawazeen, vol. 1, 1, January 2006.
-“Islamic reformism: History and legacy,” Weghat Nazar, vol. 7, 78, July, 2005.
-“The historical background of the crisis of political legitimacy in the Arab World,” in Azzam al-Tamimi (ed.), Political Legitimacy in Islam (in Arabic), Liberty Publication, London, 1997.
-“Primary notes on the Gaza-Jericho agreement,” (in Arabic), Qira’at Siyasiyya, vol. 4, winter 1994.
-Several hundred short essays, commentaries, and reviews in al- Hayat (Arabic daily, London); al-Quds al-Arabi (Arabic daily, London); al-Majalla (Arabic weekly, London); al-Wasat (Arabic daily, Bahrain); Islamonline.net; aljazeera.net; al-Arab (Arabic daily, Doha).
- من ضمن المساقات والمواد التي قام ويقوم بتدريسها أكاديميآ :
- History of Islam in the Classical Period. - Formers of Islam. - Introduction to the History of the Modern Middle East - State and Society in Islamic History - Text and Reform in the Islamic Experience - Social and Political Issues in Islam -Introduction to Islamic History and Culture
- ومن وظائفه كمستشار وخبير في الفعاليات والمؤسسات الدولية نذكر ما يلي:
- The 1996 International Institute for Political and Economic Studies, Athens, Summer 1996. Organised by The Fund for American Studies in partnership with Georgetown University and the Greek Association for the Atlantic and European Cooperation
- Living Religions, Third Edition, by Mary Pat Fisher. Published by
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N. J. and I. B. Tauris, London, 1997
- وهو عضو في العديد من الهيئات والجمعيات العلمية والفكرية, ومن أهمها نذكر:
- Middle East Studies Association of North America, 1994-Present. - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, 1996-2004. - American Society for the Study of Islamic Societies, 1994-6. - The American Association of Muslim Social Scientists, 1994-6. - Circle of Tradition and Progress, (co-coordinator), 1996-Present.
- له مشاركات وكذلك مساهمات مهمة في إعداد برامج وثائقية تتعلق بتاريخ وقضايا العالمين العربي والإسلامي في العديد من القنوات التلفزيونية والفضائية مثل:
BBC, al-Jazeera, Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany), Nile TV, al-Hiwar TV, the ANB TV, and the MBC.
- له بحوث تأريخية وعلمية ميدانية اقتضت منه القيام برحلات ميدانية خاصة بتاريخ وقضايا بلدان إسلامية وعربية عدة مثل :
مصر، سوريا، لبنان، الأردن، تونس، تركيا، الهند، باكستان والسودان وغيرها.
- له عشرات المقالات النقدية والتحليلية والتأريخية في الصحف والمجلات العربية (من ضمنها مقال دوري في القدس العربي ومجلة العالم (الأسبوعية) والحياة اللواتي تصدرن في لندن) وشارك في تنظيم العديد من المؤتمرات الدولية والندوات الفكرية مع كبار مفكري العالم وسياسية وكان وراء الكثير من المبادرات الرامية لخلق فعاليات وبناء مؤسسات فكرية رصينة.