
عباس ثائر


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عباس ثائر

شاعر عراقي

25 ديسمبر 1989 ذي قار العراق حصل على البكالوریوس في القانون. عضو الاتحاد العام للأدباء والكتاب في العراق. فاز في المسابقة الأدبية التي أقامها الاتحاد العام للأدباء والكتاب في العراق -لسنة 2018- للأدباء دون سن 35 -فئة الشعر- عن مجموعته الشعرية:" ولله أفكارٌ أخرى ". كتب ونشر في العديد من الصحف العربية والعراقية شارك في العديد من التظاهرات الأدبية والثقافية، تُرجم العديد من قصائده للغة الإنكليزية والفرنسية.

——- Abbas Thaer, an Iraqi poet and writer, born on December 25, 1989, in Dhi Qar, Southern Iraq. Holding a bachelor's degree in law, he tends to express his thoughts through writings, which led him to be a member of the General Union Of Writers in Iraq.

He also worked as an editor in chief at "Al Janoubiyya" newspaper and a director of the Castle journal international correspondents' office. He collaborated with many Arabic and Iraqi newspapers and magazines where he wrote and published several articles and press reviews. He also participated in various educational and cultural events.

He won the General Union Award for Writers and Authors in Iraq under 35 years of age for his debut poetry collection "And God Has Another Thoughts". Many of his poems were translated to English and French, and a complete book translation is in progress, to be able to share the poet's thoughts and writings with western readers.

His writing style is generally characterized by its philosophical sense, without falling into the trap of cold and vague abstraction, a style that opens up to human sensations and deep interpretations, where the idea of death is often mentioned, not as an eternal moment of absence but as a metaphor based on a stimulating clear language, soulfully close to oneself.

Thaer is a poet who seems to be free from the plot, but also aware of the necessary interval between anecdotal and poetic narration, not forgetting to demonstrate his technical and skillful capabilities either in the integrity of expressive contexts, or in its clear maturity. He is also a writer who shows sincere enthusiasm for what he writes, because he does not write as an act of luxury, but more as a legitimate alignment with the cognitive and human truths.

https://e-poetssociety.com/en/book/24? image=1




https://adab.akhbarelyom.com/ newdetails.aspx?id=446509

https://samamagazine.net/?p=27392 http://nehreen.imn.iq/archives/




الشعر-في-الكواكب-الجديدة-2/ https://adab.akhbarelyom.com/newdetails.aspx?id=499097

https://adab.akhbarelyom.com/newdetails.aspx?id=440425 http://www.magazine.imn.iq/ثقافية/قصيدة%D9%8F-النث%D9%80ر-تسمية%D9%8C-دقيقة-أم-شكل%D9%8C-عج/



مسيرته المهنية وانجازاته

كتب ونشر في العدید من الصحف العربیة والعراقیة ومايزال.

شارك في العدید من التظاھرات والمھرجانات الأدبیة والثقافية.

فاز في المسابقة الأدبیة التي أقامھا الاتحاد العام للأدباء والكتاب في العراق، لسنة 2018، للأدباء دون سن 35 عن مجموعته الشعرية: "ولله أفكارٌ أخرى"

عمل مدير تحرير صحيفة الجنوبية.

عمل مديرًا لمكتب مراسلي صحيفة كاسل جورنال الدولية.

أجرى وكتب العديد من الحوارات الصحفية مع الكثير من شعراء الأجيال التي سبقته.


تُرجمت العديد من قصائده إلى اللغة الإنكليزية والفرنسية.

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