
إشارات المرور في هولندا

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علامات الطريق في هولندا موجودة في لوائح المرور والطرق Reglement verkeersregels en verkeerstekens 1990، والتي تختصر عادةً بالحروف RVV 1990.

تحديد السرعة

  • A2: End of speed limit

  • A3: أقصى سرعة معروضة على لوحة عرض إلكترونية

  • A4: السرعة الموصى بها

  • A5: End of recommended speed


  • B1: طريق له الأولوية

  • B2: نهاية طريق الأولوية

  • B3: تقاطع طريق ذو أولوية

  • B4: مفرق طرق ذو أولوية على الطريق الأصغر من الشمال

  • B5: مفرق طرق ذو أولوية على الطريق الأصغر من اليمين

  • B6: وجوب ترك العربات المتقاطعة معك يمرّوا أوّلاً.

  • B7: قف: تعطي الأولوية لمن على الطريق الرئيسي

تحذيرات طريق مغلق

  • C1: Road closed in both directions to vehicles, riders and persons in charge of animals or livestock

  • C2: ممنوع الدخول في هذا الإتجاه للمركبات، راكبي الخيول، ورعاة الحيوانات والماشية

  • C4: One-way road

  • C5: Access permitted

  • C6: No access for vehicles with more than two wheels

  • C7: No access for goods vehicles

  • C7a: Closed to buses

  • C7b: Closed to buses and lorries

  • C8: No access for motor vehicles that cannot exceed 25 km/h

  • C9: No access for riders, cattle, wagons, motor vehicles not able to exceed a speed of 25 km/h, microcars, bicycles, mopeds or invalid carriages

  • C10: غير مسموح للعربات التي تجر مقطورات

  • C11: غير مسموح للموتوسيكلات

  • C12: No access for motor vehicles

  • C13: No access for mopeds, motor-assisted bicycles or motor-powered invalid carriages

  • C14: No access for bicycles or for non-motor-powered invalid carriages

  • C15: No access for bicycles, mopeds and invalid carriages

  • C16: No access for pedestrians

  • C17: ممنوع الدخول للمركبات أو ما يرافقها بطول- متضمن الحمولة- أكثر مما هو مذكور

  • C18: غير مسموح بمرور عربات ذات عرض، بما في ذلك الحمل، أكثر مما هو مذكور

  • C19: No access for vehicles with a height, including the load, greater than indicated

  • C20: No access for vehicles with an axle load greater than indicated

  • C21: No access for vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a total weight greater than indicated

  • C22: غير مسموح بعربات تحمل مواد خطرة

  • C22a: Closed to lorries not meeting the requirements stated in article 86d RVV 1990

  • C22b: End of closure for lorries not meeting the requirements stated in Article 86d RVV 1990

  • C23-01: Rush-hour lane open

  • C23-02: Clear rush-hour lane

  • C23-03: Rush-hour lane closed

إشارات تعطي تعليمات إيجابية

  • D1: ممر دائري – يعطي الطريق للعربات على اليمين مباشرة

  • D2: Instruction to all drivers to keep to the right of the sign (or left if arrow is reversed)

  • D3: The sign may be passed on either side

  • D4: الإتجاه للأمام فقط

  • D5: Instruction to follow the direction ahead shown by the arrow

  • D6: Instruction to follow one of the directions ahead shown by the arrows

  • D7: Instruction to follow one of the directions ahead shown by the arrows

الوقوف والركن

  • E1: ممنوع الركن

  • E2: ممنوع الوقوف أو الركن

  • E3: No parking bicycles or mopeds

  • E4: Parking area

  • E5: Taxi rank

  • E6: Parking for disabled drivers

  • E7: Parking permitted for the immediate loading and unloading of goods only

  • E8: Parking facilities only for the category or group of vehicle shown

  • E9: Parking for permit-holders only

  • E10: Entrance to controlled parking zone

  • E11: End of controlled parking zone

  • E12: Park and ride facilities

  • E13: Parking facilities for car sharers

إشارات أخرى تعطي تعليمات

  • F1: No overtaking

  • F2: End of no overtaking zone

  • F3: No overtaking of cars by lorries

  • F4: End of zone with no overtaking of cars by lorries

  • F5: Give way to oncoming vehicles

  • F6: Priority over oncoming vehicles

  • F8: End of all restrictions imposed by traffic signs

  • F9: End of all restrictions imposed by electronic signalling panels

  • F10: Stop. The sign can also contain further information as to whom it is directed and why

تنظيم المرور

  • G2: End of motorway

  • G3: طريق سريع

  • G4: نهاية طريق سريع

  • G6: End of Living street

  • G7: Footpath

  • G8: End of footpath

  • G9: Bridleway

  • G10: End of bridleway

  • G11: Route for pedal cycles only

  • G12: End of pedal cycles route

  • G12a: Route for pedal cycle and mopeds only

  • G12b: End of route for pedal cycles and mopeds

  • G13: Optional cycle path

  • G14: End of optional cycle path

منطقة مباني

  • H1: Built-up area

  • H2: End of built-up area


  • J1: Uneven road

  • J2: Bend to right

  • J3: Bend to left

  • J4: Double bend, first to right

  • J5: Double bend, first to left

  • J6: Steep hill upward

  • J7: Steep hill downward

  • J8: Dangerous crossing

  • J9: Roundabout

  • J10: Level crossing with barrier or gates ahead

  • J11: Level crossing without barrier or gates ahead

  • J12: تقاطع مع شريط قطار

  • J13: تقاطع مع شريطي قطار أو أكثر

  • J14: Tram (crossing) ahead

  • J15: Opening or swing bridge ahead

  • J16: Road works ahead

  • J17: Road narrows on both sides

  • J18: Road narrows on the right side

  • J19: Road narrows on the left side

  • J20: Slippery road

  • J21: School crossing

  • J22: Pedestrian crossing

  • J23: Pedestrians

  • J24: Cyclists and moped riders

  • J25: Loose chippings

  • J26: Quayside or river bank

  • J27: Wild animals

  • J28: Livestock

  • J29: Two-way traffic

  • J30: Low-flying aircraft

  • J31: Side winds

  • J32: Traffic lights

  • J33: Queues likely

  • J34: Danger of accidents

  • J35: Reduced visibility because of snow, rain or fog

  • J36: Risk of ice or snow

  • J37: Danger. Details of the danger are shown on the plate beneath

  • J38: Speed bump

  • J39: Warning for retractable bollard (poller) in the traffic lane that can be used to regulate access to streets and areas.


  • K1: Low level motorway information sign showing both main and intermediary destinations and the motorway number

  • K2: Advance warning sign of a motorway showing the distance to the next exit and destinations after the exit (the top destination is the name of the exit), direction to aerodrome/airport and the road number (non-motorway)

  • K3: Information sign for exit to motorway service area, showing the name of the rest area and symbols for the services offered

  • K4: High level motorway information sign showing lane instructions for through traffic and exit panel showing intermediary destinations, with the motorway number and European route numbers

  • K5: Non-motorway advance information panel showing intermediary destinations, road numbers, a viaduct symbol and a sign for an industrial zone

  • K6: Non-motorway information panels showing intermediary destinations and non-motorway road numbers

  • K7: Signposts for cyclists and moped riders (finger posts) showing local and intermediary destinations, municipal cycle route numbers (above) and showing intermediary destinations and intermediary cycle route numbers (below)

  • K8: Signposts (multiple) for cyclists and moped riders showing intermediary destinations and indicating an alternative route (in italics) to one of the destinations

  • K9: Diversion with alternative route shown on an advance warning panel for a non-motorway highway

  • K10: Advance warning panel within a built-up area showing an intermediary destination, local destinations, local tourist sights, local facilities and road numbers through the town

  • K11: Lane instructions on a non-motorway highway. Panel showing intermediary destinations, road numbers and directions to a motorway

  • K12: Local signpost within a built-up area showing names of individual districts (in traffic areas)

  • K13: Signpost within a built-up area showing district numbers (in traffic areas)

  • K14: Route for the conveyance of hazardous materials


  • L1: No vehicles over height shown

  • L3a: Tram stop/bus stop

  • L3b: Bus stop

  • L3c: Tram stop

  • L4: Get in lane

  • L5: End of lane

  • L6: Lane fork

  • L7: Number of through lanes

  • L8: No through road for vehicles

  • L9: Advance warning of a no through road for vehicles

  • L10: Advance warning of traffic information for the direction shown

  • L11: Information on panel applies only to the lane(s) indicated

  • L12: Information on panel applies only to the lane indicated

  • L13: Model sign traffic tunnel

  • L14: كتف

  • L15: Hard shoulder equipped with emergency telephone and fire extinguisher

  • L16: Emergency telephone

  • L17: Fire extinguisher

  • L18: Emergency telephone and fire extinguisher

  • L19: Nearest exit or second nearest exits in the directions and at the distances indicated on the sign


  • B1: Priority road

  • B2: End of priority road

  • B7: Stop: Give priority to traffic on the main road ahead

  • J37: Danger

طالع أيضا

مصادر خارجية

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