
مات فوكس (موسيقي)

موسيقي أمريكي

مات فوكس (Matt Fox)‏ هو موسيقي وكاتب أغاني أمريكي، ولد في 28 أبريل 1973 في سميثتاون في الولايات المتحدة.[1][2][3]

مات فوكس (موسيقي)
Mattfox shaihulud.jpg

معلومات شخصية
الميلاد 28 أبريل 1973 (47 سنة) 
سميثتاون، نيويورك 
مواطنة Flag of the United States.svg الولايات المتحدة 
الحياة العملية
المهنة موسيقي،  وكاتب أغاني 
P literature.svg موسوعة الأدب


  1. Strongarm Biography - تصفح: نسخة محفوظة 2002-12-07 على موقع واي باك مشين. ".Shai Hulud's guitar player Fox Fox around 1991 in a band called Planet X"
  2. Rockfreaks.net - Interviews with Shai Hulud 28.11.2007 "I played in a ska punk band called Bingo Mud" (sic) نسخة محفوظة 30 مايو 2009 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  3. "Shai Hulud, interview with Punknews.org - 05/28/08". مؤرشف من الأصل في 12 يونيو 201821 سبتمبر 2008. As far as coining the term "metalcore" or coining a sound, I don't think we did. There were bands before Shai Hulud started that my friends and I were referring to as "metalcore". Bands like Burn, Deadguy, Earth Crisis, even Integrity. These bands that were heavier than the average hardcore bands. These bands that were more progressive than the average hardcore band. My friends and I would always refer to them as "metalcore" because it wasn't purely hardcore and it wasn't purely metal. It was like a heavier hardcore band with hardcore ethics and attitude but clearly a metal influence. So we would joke around and say "Hey, it's metalcore. Cool!" But it was definitely a tongue-in-cheek term.

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