
قائمة لاعبات التنس

هذه قائمة بلاعبات التنس.

الاسم البلد الولادة الوفاة غراند سلام
بتسي عباس  مصر مصر 1960 ربع نهائي بطولة فرنسا
إيفانا أبراموفيتش  كرواتيا تصنيف:تنس كرواتيا 1983 ترتيب 134 في العالم عام 2004
مونيك أداماتشاك  أستراليا أستراليا 1983 ترتيب 148 في العالم عام 2008
كاترينا آدامز الولايات المتحدة United States 1968 Ranked World No. 67 in singles and World No. 8 in doubles 1989
لورين ألبانيز الولايات المتحدة United States 1989 Ranked World No. 168 in 2009
Julie Albert الولايات المتحدة United States 1965 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Alison Baumgardner
الولايات المتحدة United States 1943 2009 Three doubles titles
لويز ألين الولايات المتحدة United States 1962 Ranked World No. 87 in 1992
ليلي ألفاريث إسبانيا Spain 1905 1998 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1927 and 1928 • 1926/1927/1928 Wimbledon runner-up
ماريا فرناندا ألفيس البرازيل Brazil 1983 Ranked World No. 132 in 2005
أكجول أمانمورادوف أوزبكستان Uzbekistan 1984 Ranked World No. 50 in singles in 2008 and World No. 60 in doubles in 2009
Josette Amouretti فرنسا France 1954 French Championships quarterfinalist
سانيا أنتشيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1988 Ranked World No. 159 in 2006
ماريت أني إستونيا Estonia 1982 Ranked World No. 63 in 2006
أولينا أنتيبينا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1979 Ranked World No. 180 in 2005
سابين أبيلمانس بلجيكا Belgium 1972 Ranked World No. 16 in singles and World No. 21 in doubles in 1997
نيكول أرندت الولايات المتحدة United States 1969 Ranked World No. 49 in singles and World No. 3 in doubles in 1997
María-José Argeri الأرجنتين Argentina 1984 Ranked World No. 149 in 2006
غريتا أرن المجر Hungary 1979 Ranked World No. 81 in 2002
لورا أريا الأرجنتين Argentina
بيرو Peru
1967 Ranked World No. 14 in singles in 1990 and World No. 27 in doubles in 1988
جين آرث الولايات المتحدة United States 1935 1959 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1958/1959 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion
صوفيا أرفيدسون السويد Sweden 1984 Ranked World No. 29 in 2006
شينوبو أساغوي اليابان Japan 1976 Ranked World No. 21 in singles in 2005 and World No. 13 in doubles in 2006
Teryn Ashley الولايات المتحدة United States 1978 Ranked World No. 95 in singles in 2004 and World No. 59 in doubles in 2003
سيلي أوسيم ألمانيا Germany 1909 1963 2 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1930 and 1931 • 1931 French Championships champion1931 Wimbledon champion • 1930 French Championships mixed doubles champion
تريسي أوستين الولايات المتحدة United States 1962 2 Ranked World No. 1 in 1980 • 1979/1981 US Open champion • 1980 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
فيكتوريا أزارينكا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1989 Ranked World No. 8 in singles in 2009 and World No. 7 in doubles in 2008
ميكي بابل ألمانيا Germany 1974 Ranked World No. 27 in singles and World No. 45 in doubles
Lubomira Bacheva بلغاريا Bulgaria 1975 Ranked World No. 68 in singles in 1999 and World No. 53 in doubles in 2001
أنجيليكا باخمان ألمانيا Germany 1979 Ranked World No. 130 in singles and World No. 90 in doubles in 2000
تيميا باشينسكي سويسرا Switzerland 1989 Ranked World No. 48 in 2008
ديان فرومهولتز أستراليا Australia 1956 Ranked World No. 4 in 1979 • 1977 Australian Open women's doubles champion
إيلينا بالتاتشا المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1983 Ranked World No. 118 in 2005
سيبيل بامير النمسا Austria 1980 Ranked World No. 19 in 2007
أولغا بوتشكوفا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1979 Ranked World No. 49 in singles and World No. 81 in doubles in 1998
كاترين باركلي أستراليا Australia 1973 Ranked World No. 157 in singles and World No. 32 in doubles in 1998
فاسيليسا باردينا روسيا Russia 1987 Ranked World No. 48 in 2007
سو باركر المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1956 1 Ranked World No. 3 • 1976 French Open champion
أدريانا بارنا ألمانيا Germany 1978 Ranked World No. 180 in 2004
أنكا بارنا ألمانيا Germany 1977 Ranked World No. 46 in 2004
Pilar Barril إسبانيا Spain 1961 French Championships quarterfinalist
كريستينا بارويس ألمانيا Germany 1984 Ranked World No. 72 in 2009
جين بارتكوفيتش الولايات المتحدة United States 1949 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1969
ماريون بارتولي فرنسا France 1984 Ranked World No. 9 in singles in 2007 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2004
Csilla Bartos سويسرا Switzerland 1966 Ranked World No. 60 in 1983
كارلينج باسيت-سيجوسو كندا Canada 1967 Highest ranking was World No. 8
يايوك باسوكي إندونيسيا Indonesia 1970 Ranked World No. 19 in singles in 1997 and World No. 9 in doubles in 1998
جوان هارتيجان أستراليا Australia 1912 2000 3 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1934 • 1933/1934/1936 Australian Championships champion • 1934 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
Nathalie Baudone-Furlan إيطاليا Italy 1972 Ranked World No. 71 in 1993
Norma Baylon الأرجنتين Argentina 1960 1964 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1965 French Championships quarterfinalist
جيرالدين بيميش المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1885 1972 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1923 • 1919/1922/1923 Wimbledon semifinalist • 1921 Wimbledon women's doubles runner-up • 1920 Olympic silver medalist in women's doubles
Claire Beckingham 1926 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
داجا بيدانوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1983 Ranked World No. 16 in singles and World No. 34 in doubles in 2002
Surina de Beer جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1978 Ranked World No. 116 in singles in 1998 and World No. 49 in doubles in 2000
Petra Begerow ألمانيا Germany 1975 Ranked World No. 58 in 1996
Céline Beigbeder فرنسا France 1975 Ranked World No. 84 in 2002
Miroslava Bendlova تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1978 French Open quarterfinalist
إيفيتا بينيسوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1983 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 2009 and World No. 21 in doubles in 2008
كاميل بنيامين الولايات المتحدة United States 1966 Ranked World No. 27 in 1984
ماريا فرانشيسكا بنتيفوليو إيطاليا Italy 1977 Ranked World No. 78 in 1993
إيفا بيس إسبانيا Spain 1973 Ranked World No. 98 in 2001
بولين بيتز الولايات المتحدة United States 1919 5 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1946 • 1946 Wimbledon champion1942/1943/1944/1946 U.S. Championships champion • 1946 French Championships mixed doubles champion
يوليا بيجيلزيمير أوكرانيا Ukraine 1983 Ranked World No. 83 in singles and World No. 56 in doubles in 2006
لوي بيكرتون أستراليا Australia 1902 1998 1927/1929/1931 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1935 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
بيا بيليك الولايات المتحدة United States 1980 Ranked World No. 130 in 2003
آنا بيلن جارسكا بولندا Poland 1979 Ranked World No. 146 in 2000
بلانش بينغلي المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1863 1946 6 1886/1890/1894/1897/1899/1900 Wimbledon champion
إيفا بيرنروفا التشيك Czech Republic 1984 Ranked World No. 59 in singles in 2007 and World No. 59 in doubles in 2006
كارا بلاك زيمبابوي Zimbabwe 1979 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 1999 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2005 • 2007 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2004/2005/2007 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2008 US Open women's doubles champion • 2003 French Open mixed doubles champion • 2004 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 2008 US Open mixed doubles champion
Jill Blackman أستراليا Australia 1936 1963 French Championships quarterfinalist
أولغا بوتشكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1976 Ranked World No. 170 in 2003
Molly Blair المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1949 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
رادكا بوبكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1973 Ranked World No. 47 in singles in 1993 and World No. 59 in doubles in 1995
Katerina Bohmova التشيك Czech Republic 1986 Ranked World No. 107 in 2006
مانون بوليجراف هولندا Netherlands 1964 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1990 and World No. 4 in doubles in 1998
نانسي واين بولتون أستراليا Australia 1916 2001 6 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1947 and 1948 • 1937/1940/1946/1947/1948/1951 Australian Championships champion • 1936/1937/1938/1939/1940/1947/1948/1949/1951/1952 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1940/1946/1947/1948 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
اليونا بوندارينكو أوكرانيا Ukraine 1984 Ranked World No. 19 in singles and World No. 11 in doubles in 2008 • 2008 Australian Open women's doubles champion
كاترينا بوندارينكو أوكرانيا Ukraine 1986 Ranked World No. 37 in singles and World No. 9 in doubles in 2008 • 2008 Australian Open women's doubles champion
ليزا بوندر الولايات المتحدة United States 1965 Highest ranking was World No. 94
فيوريلا بونيسيلي الأوروغواي Uruguay 1951 1976 French Open women's doubles champion • 1975 French Open mixed doubles champion
Federica Bonsignori إيطاليا Italy 1967 Ranked World No. 28 in 1991
كريستي بوجيرت هولندا Netherlands 1973 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1996 and World No. 16 in doubles in 1997 • 1994 French Open mixed doubles champion
دورا بوثبي المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1881 1970 1 1909 Wimbledon Champion • 1908 Olympic silver medalist in singles
سارا برول المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1979 Ranked World No. 199 in singles in 2006 and World No. 98 in doubles in 2009
Linky Boshoff جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1956 1974 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1977 French Open quarterfinalist
Annelisa Bossi إيطاليا Italy 1949 French Championships semifinalist
Jean Bostock المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1948 • 1946 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
كيا بومان هولندا Netherlands 1903 1998 1 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1928 • 1927 French Championships champion • 1929 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1924 Olympic bronze medalist in mixed doubles
إيلينا بوفينا روسيا Russia 1983 Ranked World No. 14 in singles in 2005 and World No. 14 in doubles in 2003
نيكول برادتكه أستراليا Australia 1969 Ranked World No. 24 in singles in 1993 and World No. 11 in doubles in 1992 • 1992 Olympic bronze medalist in women's doubles
كريستينا براندي بورتوريكو Puerto Rico 1977 Ranked World No. 27 in 2000
شيرلي براشير المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1934 1 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1957 • 1957 French Championships champion • 1957 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1958 French Championships mixed doubles champion
نينا براتشيكوفا روسيا Russia 1985 Ranked World No. 193 in 2008
سيفرين بريمون بيلترام فرنسا France 1979 Ranked World No. 34 in singles and World No. 85 in doubles in 2007
ماديسون برينجل الولايات المتحدة United States 1990 Ranked World No. 188 in 2009
Heather Brewer Segal برمودا Bermuda 2006 1955/1958 French Championships semifinalist
ألبرتا بريانتي إيطاليا Italy 1980 Ranked World No. 79 in singles in 2007 and World No. 132 in doubles in 2008
إيلينا بريوخوفيتس الاتحاد السوفيتي Soviet Union 1971 Ranked World No. 73 in 1990
مارغريت بروكويديس فرنسا France 1893 1983 2 1913/1914 French Championships champion • 1911/1924 French Championships mixed doubles champion • 1912 Olympic gold medalist in singles and bronze medalist in mixed doubles
لويز بروف الولايات المتحدة United States 1923 5 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1955 • 1947 U.S. Championships champion1950 Australian Championships champion1948/1949/1955 Wimbledon champion • 1950 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1946/1947/1949 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1946/1948/1949/1950/1954 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1942/1943/1944/1945/1946/1947/1948/1949/1950/1955/1956/1957 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1946/1947/1948/1950 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1942/1947/1948/1949 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
ماري براون الولايات المتحدة United States 1891 1971 3 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1921 • 1912/1913/1914 U.S. Championships champion • 1912/1913/1914/1921/1925 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1926 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1912/1913/1914/1921 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
Ginette Bucaille فرنسا France Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1954 • 1954 French Championships runner-up
إيدا بودينج ألمانيا الغربية West Germany 1936 1959 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1956 French Championships quarterfinalist
Ilse Buding ألمانيا الغربية West Germany 1956 French Championships quarterfinalist
ماريا بوينو البرازيل Brazil 1939 7 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1959 and 1960 • 1959/1960/1964 Wimbledon champion1959/1963/1964/1966 U.S. Championships champion • 1958/1960/1963/1965/1966 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1960/1962/1966/1968 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1960 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1960 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1960 French Championships mixed doubles champion
بتينا بانج ألمانيا الغربية West Germany 1963 Ranked World No. 7 in 1983
إليز بورجين الولايات المتحدة United States 1962 Ranked World No. 62 in 1989
كورال بتسورث أستراليا Australia 1900 1985 2 1931/1932 Australian Championships champion • 1932 Australian Championships women's doubles champion
أنجيلا باكستون المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1934 Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1956 • 1956 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1956 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
إيكاترينا بيشكوفا روسيا Russia 1985 Ranked World No. 66 in singles in 2006 and World No. 106 in doubles in 2007
جيني بيرن أستراليا Australia 1967 Ranked World No. 45 in singles in 1989 and World No. 27 in doubles in 1988
إستريلا كابيزا كانديلا إسبانيا Spain 1987 Ranked World No. 169 in 2008
Sandra Cacic الولايات المتحدة United States 1974 Ranked World No. 39 in singles in 1994 and World No. 87 in doubles in 1999
إلس كالينز بلجيكا Belgium 1970 Ranked World No. 43 in singles in 1997 and World No. 87 in doubles in 1999
ماريا إلينا كاميرين إيطاليا Italy 1982 Ranked World No. 41 in singles in 2004 and World No. 33 in doubles in 2006
أليس كانيبا إيطاليا Italy 1978 Ranked World No. 158 in singles and World No. 93 in doubles in 2000
جينيفر كابرياتي الولايات المتحدة United States 1976 3 Ranked World No. 1 for a total of 17 weeks in 2001 and 2002 • Ranked World No. 28 in doubles in 1992 • 2001/2002 Australian Open champion2001 French Open champion • 1992 Olympic gold medalist in singles
أنسلي كارغيل الولايات المتحدة United States 1982 Ranked World No. 90 in singles in 2003 and World No. 67 in doubles in 2004
ماري كاريو الولايات المتحدة United States 1957 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 1980 • 1977 French Open mixed doubles champion
Halle Cioffi Carroll الولايات المتحدة United States 1969 Ranked World No. 50 in 1989
روزماري كاسالس الولايات المتحدة United States 1948 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1970 • 1967/1968/1969/1970/1971/1973 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1970/1972 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1967/1971/1974/1982 US Open women's doubles champion • 1975 US Open mixed doubles champion
ميريام كازانوفا سويسرا Switzerland 1985 Ranked World No. 45 in singles in 2003 and World No. 19 in doubles in 2004
جوليا كاسوني إيطاليا Italy 1978 Ranked World No. 83 in singles and World No. 51 in doubles in 2001
كاتالينا كاستانيو كولومبيا Colombia 1979 Ranked World No. 35 in singles in 2006 and World No. 82 in doubles in 2008
Vilmarie Castellvi Castillo بورتوريكو Puerto Rico 1981 Ranked World No. 125 in singles in 2004
نايومي كافاداي المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1989 Ranked World No. 183 in singles in 2008
Cathy Caverzasio سويسرا Switzerland 1972 Ranked World No. 44 in 1990
هيلين غورلاي أستراليا Australia 1946 1972/1976/1977 (Jan)/1977 (Dec) Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1977 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Arlette de Cazalet فرنسا France 1951 French Championships quarterfinalist
ساندرا سيتشيني إيطاليا Italy 1965 Ranked World No. 20 at year-end in 1990
لودميلا سيرفانوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1979 Ranked World No. 58 in 2004
بيترا سيتكوفسكا التشيك Czech Republic 1985 Ranked World No. 49 in singles and World No. 110 in doubles in 2008
مارجاليتا تشاخناشفيلي جورجيا Georgia 1982 Ranked World No. 134 in singles in 2007
آنا تشاكفيتادزه روسيا Russia 1987 Ranked World No. 5 in singles and World No. 53 in doubles in 2007
دوروثيا دوغلاس تشامبرز المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1878 1960 7 1903/1904/1906/1910/1911/1913/1914 Wimbledon champion • 1908 Olympic gold medalist in singles
تشان تشين وي تايوان Taiwan 1985 Ranked World No. 152 in singles in 2006 and World No. 88 in doubles in 2007
تشان ينغ جان تايوان Taiwan 1989 Ranked World No. 50 in singles in 2007 and World No. 6 in doubles in 2008 • 2007 Australian Open women's doubles runner-up • 2007 US Open women's doubles runner-up
شين يانتشونغ الصين China 1987 Ranked World No. 187 in 2006
دوروثي تشيني الولايات المتحدة United States 1916 1 Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1946 • 1938 Australian Championships champion
جين تشي الولايات المتحدة United States 1974 Ranked World No. 62 in 1999
دينيزا شلادكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1979 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 2003 and World No. 74 in doubles in 2006
تشو ين جونغ كوريا الجنوبية Korea 1979 Ranked World No. 45 in singles and World No. 98 in doubles in 2003
دومينيكا سيبولكوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1989 Ranked World No. 16 in singles in 2009 and World No. 123 in doubles in 2008
سورانا كريستيا رومانيا Romania 1990 Ranked World No. 36 in singles in 2008 and World No. 35 in doubles in 2009
كيم كلايسترز بلجيكا Belgium 1983 1 Ranked World No. 1 in 2003 and 2006 • 2005 US Open champion
Amélie Cocheteux فرنسا France 1978 Ranked World No. 55 in singles in 1999 and World No. 61 in doubles in 2000
اماندا كوتزر جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1971 Ranked World No. 3 in singles in 1997 and World No. 15 in doubles in 1993
لورين كوغلان أستراليا Australia 1937 1958 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ستيفاني كوهين ألورو فرنسا France 1983 Ranked World No. 61 in singles in 2003 and World No. 54 in doubles in 2005
جولي كوين فرنسا France 1982 Ranked World No. 68 in singles and World No. 134 in doubles in 2009
J. S. Colegate 1924 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Patricia Coleman-Gregg أستراليا Australia 1953 1972 Australian Open quarterfinalist
Beryl Penrose Collier أستراليا Australia 1930 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1955 • 1955 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
مورين كونولي الولايات المتحدة United States 1934 1969 9 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end from 1952 through 1954 • 1953 Australian Championships champion1953/1954 French Championships champion1952/1953/1954 Wimbledon champion1951/1952/1953 U.S. Championships champion • 1953 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1954 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1954 French Championships mixed doubles champion
Helene Contostavlos اليونان Greece 1926 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
سارة بالفري كوك الولايات المتحدة United States 1912 1996 2 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1934 • 1941/1945 U.S. Championships champion • 1930/1932/1934/1935/1937/1938/1939/1940/1941 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1938/1939 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1932/1935/1937/1941 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1939 French Championships mixed doubles champion
شارلوت كوبر (تنس) المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1870 1966 5 1895/1896/1898/1901/1908 Wimbledon champion • 1900 Olympic gold medalist in singles and mixed doubles
بليندا كوردويل نيوزيلندا New Zealand 1965 Ranked World No. 18 in 1989
أليز كورنيه فرنسا France 1990 Ranked World No. 11 in singles and World No. 103 in doubles in 2009
مارغريت سميث كورت أستراليا Australia 1942 24 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end from 1962 through 1965 and in 1969, 1970, and 1973 • 1960/1961/1962/1963/1964/1965/1966/1969/1970/1971/1973 Australian Open champion1962/1964/1969/1970/1973 French Open champion1963/1965/1970 Wimbledon champion1962/1965/1969/1970/1973 US Open champion • 1961/1962/1963/1965/1969/1970/1971/1973 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1964/1965/1966/1973 French Open women's doubles champion • 1963/1968/1970/1973/1975 US Open women's doubles champion • 1964/1969 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1963/1964 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion • 1963/1964/1965/1969 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1961/1962/1963/1964/1965/1969/1970/1972 US Open mixed doubles champion • 1963/1965/1966/1968/1975 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • One of three players to have won every possible title (singles, doubles, mixed doubles) at all four Grand Slam events.
Paule Courteix فرنسا France 1959 French Championships quarterfinalist
لورانس كورتويس بلجيكا Belgium 1976 Ranked World No. 37 in singles in 1996 and World No. 32 in doubles in 2000
دافني أخورست أستراليا Australia 1903 1933 5 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1928 • 1925/1926/1928/1929/1930 Australian Championships champion • 1924/1925/1928/1929/1931 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1924/1925/1928/1929 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
جورجيلينا كرافيرو الأرجنتين Argentina 1982 Ranked World No. 106 in singles in 2007 and World No. 114 in doubles in 2008
مارجوري كوكس كراوفورد أستراليا Australia 1932 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1931/1932/1933 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
جيل كريبس الولايات المتحدة United States 1974 Ranked World No. 39 in singles in 2006 and World No. 41 in doubles in 2008
كاتالينا كريستيا رومانيا Romania 1975 Ranked World No. 59 in singles and World No. 40 in doubles
إيزابيل كويتو ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1968 Ranked World No. 20 in singles in 1989 and World No. 77 in doubles in 1987
كاري كاننغهام الولايات المتحدة United States 1972 Ranked World No. 51 in 1991
Joan Curry المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1949 • 1949/1952 French Championships quarterfinalist
ميليندا كزينك المجر Hungary 1982 Ranked World No. 64 in singles in 2004 and World No. 100 in doubles in 2009
Cecilia Dahlman السويد Sweden 1968 Ranked World No. 63 in singles and World No. 95 in doubles in 1990
Nanne Dahlman فنلندا Finland 1970 Ranked World No. 59 in singles in 1993 and World No. 52 in doubles in 1996
Mary Lou Daniels الولايات المتحدة United States 1961 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 1983 and World No. 24 in doubles in 1990
إيليني دانيليدو اليونان Greece 1982 Ranked World No. 14 in singles in 2003 and World No. 21 in doubles in 2007
Rosa-Maria Reyes Darmon المكسيك Mexico 1939 1957 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1958 French Championships quarterfinalist
كيميكو داتي كروم اليابان Japan 1970 Ranked World No. 4 in singles in 1995 and World No. 33 in doubles in 1992
ليندسي دافينبورت الولايات المتحدة United States 1976 3 Ranked World No. 1 in singles at year-end in 1998, 2001, 2004, and 2005 and World No. 2 in doubles at year-end in 1997 • Ranked World No. 1 in singles for a total of 98 weeks from 1998 through 2002 and from 2004 through 2006 • 1998 US Open champion1999 Wimbledon champion2000 Australian Open champion • 1996 French Open women's doubles champion • 1997 US Open women's doubles champion • 1999 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Barbara Scofield Davidson الولايات المتحدة United States 1926 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1950 • 1950 French Championships semifinalist
Alexia Dechaume-Balleret فرنسا France 1970 Ranked World No. 46 in 1992
ناتالي ديتشي فرنسا France 1979 Ranked World No. 11 in singles in 2006 and World No. 8 in doubles in 2007
كاسي ديلاكوا أستراليا Australia 1985 Ranked World No. 39 in singles in 2008 and World No. 11 in doubles in 2009
إيلينا ديمنتييفا روسيا Russia 1981 Ranked World No. 4 in singles in 2004 and World No. 5 in doubles in 2003
إيزابيل ديمونجيوت فرنسا France 1966 Ranked World No. 35 in singles in 1988 and World No. 20 in doubles in 1989
كورينا دينتوني إيطاليا Italy 1989 Ranked World No. 140 in 2008
كارولين دينين فرنسا France 1973 Ranked World No. 141 in singles in 1997 and World No. 49 in doubles in 2004
Niege Dias البرازيل Brazil 1966 Ranked World No. 31 in 1988
فيتاليا دياتشينكو روسيا Russia 1990 Ranked World No. 171 in singles and World No. 128 in doubles in 2009
ماريانا دياز أوليفا الأرجنتين Argentina 1976 Ranked World No. 42 in singles and World No. 93 in doubles in 2001
جولي ديتي الولايات المتحدة United States 1979 Ranked World No. 89 in singles in 2008 and World No. 80 in doubles in 2009
لوتي دود المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1871 1960 5 1887/1888/1891/1892/1893 Wimbledon champion
يلينا دوكيتش أستراليا Australia
جمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية
صربيا والجبل الأسود Serbia and
1983 Ranked World No. 4 in singles and World No. 10 in doubles in 2002
مارتا دوماتشوسكا بولندا Poland 1986 Ranked World No. 37 in singles and World No. 62 in doubles in 2006
لورديس دومينغيز لينو إسبانيا Spain 1981 Ranked World No. 40 in singles and World No. 45 in doubles in 2006
إيفي دومينيكوفيتش أستراليا Australia 1980 Ranked World No. 64 in singles in 2001 and World No. 52 in doubles in 2002
ساندرا دوفر النمسا Austria 1970 Ranked World No. 85 in 1996
فيرا داشفينا روسيا Russia 1986 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 2005 and World No. 27 in doubles in 2007
روكساندرا دراغومير رومانيا Romania 1972 Ranked World No. 15 in singles and World No. 21 in doubles in 1997
مورين دريك كندا Canada 1971 Ranked World No. 47 in singles in 1999 and World No. 77 in doubles in 2006
ستيفاني دوبوا كندا Canada 1986 Ranked World No. 95 in singles and World No. 102 in doubles in 2008
نينا دوبرز ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1980 Ranked World No. 166 in 2002
جيزيلا دولكو الأرجنتين Argentina 1985 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 2005 and World No. 18 in doubles in 2006
أنيت فان زيل جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1943 Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1965 and 1966 • 1966 French Championships mixed doubles champion
مارجريت أوزبورن دوبون الولايات المتحدة United States 1918 6 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end from 1947 through 1950 • 1946/1949 French Championships champion1948/1949/1950 U.S. Championships champion1947 Wimbledon champion • 1946/1947/1949 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1946/1948/1949/1950/1954 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1941/1942/1943/1944/1945/1946/1947/1948/1949/1950/1955/1956/1957 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1962 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1943/1944/1945/1946/1950/1956/1958/1959/1960 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
ماريانا دوكي مارينيو كولومبيا Colombia 1989 Ranked World No. 99 in 2008
جو دوري المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1960 Ranked World No. 5 in 1984
فرانسواز دور فرنسا France 1942 1 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1967 • 1967 French Championships champion • 1967 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1968/1969/1970/1971 French Open women's doubles champion • 1969/1972 US Open women's doubles champion • 1968/1971/1973 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1976 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
إيفا ديربيرج الدنمارك Denmark 1980 Ranked World No. 77 in singles in 2002 and World No. 90 in doubles in 2000
إيكاترينا دزيهاليفيتش روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1986 Ranked World No. 134 in singles and World No. 64 in doubles in 2008
روبين إبيرن أستراليا Australia 1944 Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1964 • 1963 French Championships quarterfinalist • 1962/1963 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1963 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1963 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion (shared - final abandoned because of rain)
Katja Ebbinghaus ألمانيا الغربية West Germany 1948 1972/1973/1974 French Open quarterfinalist
أندريا إيريت فانس رومانيا Romania 1973 Ranked World No. 135 in singles in 2003 and World No. 40 in doubles in 2006
Mary Ann
Eisel Curtis Beattie
الولايات المتحدة United States 1946 1967 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
سيلفيا فارينا إيليا إيطاليا Italy 1972 Ranked World No. 11 in singles in 2002 and World No. 24 in doubles in 1999
أنابيل إلوود أستراليا Australia 1978 Ranked World No. 57 in singles and World No. 60 in doubles in 1997
مانا إندو اليابان Japan 1971 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1994 and World No. 98 in doubles in 1995
مارينا إراكوفيتش نيوزيلندا New Zealand 1988 Ranked World No. 49 in singles and World No. 43 in doubles in 2008
نادين إرسجوفيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1973 Ranked World No. 61 in 1993
ساره إيراني إيطاليا Italy 1987 Ranked World No. 38 in singles in 2009 and World No. 87 in doubles in 2008
Soledad Esperon الأرجنتين Argentina 1985 Ranked World No. 166 in singles in 2009 and World No. 139 in doubles in 2006
كريس إيفرت الولايات المتحدة United States 1954 18 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980, and 1981 • Ranked World No. 1 for a total of 262 weeks from 1975 through 1982 and in 1985 • 1974/1975/1979/1980/1983/1985/1986 French Open champion1974/1976/1981 Wimbledon champion1975/1976/1977/1978/1980/1982 US Open champion1982/1984 Australian Open champion • 1974/1975 French Open women's doubles champion • 1976 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Donna Faber الولايات المتحدة United States 1971 Ranked World No. 55 in singles 1990 and World No. 122 in doubles in 1991
روزالين فيربانك جنوب أفريقيا South Africa
الولايات المتحدة United States
1960 Ranked World No. 15 in singles in 1990 and World No. 12 in doubles in 1986 • 1981/1983 French Open women's doubles champion
دونا فلويد الولايات المتحدة United States 1940 1963 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1962 French Championships quarterfinalist
Christelle Fauche سويسرا Switzerland 1973
جو آن فول أستراليا Australia 1971 Ranked World No. 61 in singles in 1989 and World No. 36 in doubles in 1992
Evelyn Fauth النمسا Austria 1976 Ranked World No. 127 in 2002
يوليانا فيداك أوكرانيا Ukraine 1983 Ranked World No. 63 in singles in 2006 and World No. 34 in doubles in 2007
يوليا فيدوسوفا فرنسا France 1988 Ranked World No. 107 in 2007
باتي فينديك الولايات المتحدة United States 1965 Ranked World No. 19 in singles and World No. 4 in doubles in 1989 • 1991 Australian Open women's doubles champion
صوفي فيرغسون أستراليا Australia 1986 Ranked World No. 159 in 2007
كلاريسا فرنانديز الأرجنتين Argentina 1981 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 2003 and World No. 111 in doubles in 2002
جيجي فرنانديز بورتوريكو Puerto Rico
الولايات المتحدة United States
1964 Ranked World No. 17 in singles in 1991 • Ranked World No. 1 in doubles at year-end in 1993 • 1988/1990/1992/1995/1996 US Open women's doubles champion • 1991/1992/1993/1994/1995/1997 French Open women's doubles champion • 1992/1993/1994/1997 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1993/1994 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1992/1996 Olympic gold medalist in women's doubles
ماري جو فرنانديز الولايات المتحدة United States 1971 Ranked World No. 4 in singles at year-end in 1990 and World No. 5 in doubles at year-end in 1991 and 1996 • 1991 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1996 French Open women's doubles champion • 1992/1996 Olympic gold medalist in women's doubles • 1990/1992 Australian Open runner-up • 1993 French Open runner-up • 1992/1996 Olympic gold medalist in women's doubles • 1992 Olympic bronze medalist in singles
Linda Ferrando إيطاليا Italy 1966 Ranked World No. 36 in singles in 1994 and World No. 33 in doubles in 1993
لويز فيلد أستراليا Australia 1967 Ranked World No. 96 in singles in 1989 and World No. 48 in doubles in 1990
إيفا فيسلوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1981 Ranked World No. 98 in 2003
جويس فيتش أستراليا Australia 1946 Australian Championships women's doubles champion
بيفرلي بيكر فليتز الولايات المتحدة United States 1930 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1954, 1955, and 1958 • 1955 French Championships women's doubles champion
Helen Fletcher Barker المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1931 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1954 • 1954 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
كيرستن فليبكينس بلجيكا Belgium 1986 Ranked World No. 86 in 2009
غالينا فوكينا روسيا Russia 1984 Ranked World No. 168 in singles and World No. 79 in doubles in 2002
أنا فولدني المجر Hungary 1974 Ranked World No. 107 in 1999
ستيفاني فريتز فرنسا France 1981 Ranked World No. 62 in singles in 2003 and World No. 42 in doubles in 2008
Silke Frankl ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1970 Ranked World No. 78 in 1994
إيمي فرايزر الولايات المتحدة United States 1972 Ranked World No. 13 in singles in 1995 and World No. 24 in doubles in 1993
شيرلي فراي ايرفين الولايات المتحدة United States 1927 4 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1956 • 1957 Australian Championships champion1951 French Championships champion1956 Wimbledon champion1956 U.S. Championships champion • 1957 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1950/1951/1952/1953 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1951/1952/1953 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1951/1952/1953/1954 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1956 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ريوكو فودا اليابان Japan 1986 Ranked World No. 143 in 2006
ريكا فوجيوارا اليابان Japan 1981 Ranked World No. 84 in singles in 2005 and World No. 13 in doubles in 2002
بتينا فالكو الأرجنتين Argentina 1968 Ranked World No. 23 in singles in 1988 and World No. 62 in doubles in 1991
ألكسندرا فوزي فرنسا France 1973 Ranked World No. 37 in singles and World No. 6 in doubles in 1998
Giulia Gabba إيطاليا Italy 1987 Ranked World No. 183 in 2007
إيمانويل جالياردي سويسرا Switzerland 1976 Ranked World No. 42 in singles in 2002 and World No. 22 in doubles in 2004
ماريا خوسيه جايدانو الأرجنتين Argentina 1973 Ranked World No. 85 in singles and World No. 87 in doubles in 1993
إيدينا جالوفيتس هول رومانيا Romania 1984 Ranked World No. 54 in singles in 2008 and World No. 65 in doubles in 2009
Donna Ganz الولايات المتحدة United States 1954 1975 French Open quarterfinalist
تاتيانا جاربين إيطاليا Italy 1977 Ranked World No. 22 in singles in 2007 and World No. 25 in doubles in 2001
باولا غارسيا أفيلا إسبانيا Spain 1979 Ranked World No. 139 in 2005
Maria Vanina Garcia Sokol الأرجنتين Argentina 1983 Ranked World No. 191 in 2005
زينا غاريسون الولايات المتحدة United States 1963 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1989 • 1987 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 1988/1990 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
لورا غاروني إيطاليا Italy 1967 Ranked World No. 32 in singles in 1987 and World No. 50 in doubles in 1991
أنجليكا جافالدون المكسيك Mexico 1973 Ranked World No. 34 in 1996
Stephanie Gehrlein ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1982 Ranked World No. 121 in 2004
آنا جيراسيمو اليونان Greece 1987 Ranked World No. 200 in 2009
أدريانا جرسي التشيك Czech Republic 1976 Ranked World No. 48 in 1997
Ruta Gerulaitis الولايات المتحدة United States 1955 1979 French Open quarterfinalist
ألثيا جيبسون الولايات المتحدة United States 1927 2003 5 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1957 and 1958 • 1956 French Championships champion1957/1958 Wimbledon Championships champion1957/1958 U.S. Championships champion
Raquel Giscafre الأرجنتين Argentina 1949 1974 French Open semifinalist
اندريا قلاس ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1976 Ranked World No. 53 in singles in 1999 and World No. 85 in doubles in 2000
أليكسا جلاتش الولايات المتحدة United States 1989 Ranked World No. 124 in 2009
كاثلين مكين جودفري المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1896 1992 2 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1923, 1924, and 1926 • 1924/1926 Wimbledon Championships champion • 1924 Olympic silver medalist in women's doubles and bronze medalist in singles • 1920 Olympic gold medalist in women's doubles, silver medalist in mixed doubles, and bronze medalist in singles
Godridge, Kristin أستراليا Australia 1973 Ranked World No. 79 in singles in 1991 and World No. 68 in doubles in 1990
Madalina Gojnea رومانيا Romania 1987 Ranked World No. 177 in 2006
Laura Golarsa إيطاليا Italy 1967 Ranked World No. 39 in singles in 1990 and World No. 23 in doubles in 1995
Elsie Goldsack Pitman المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1929 and 1931 • 1929 Wimbledon semifinalist
سابرينا جولش كرواتيا Croatia 1965 Ranked World No. 27 in singles and World No. 55 in doubles in 1987
تاتيانا جولوفان فرنسا France 1988 Ranked World No. 12 in singles in 2008 and World No. 91 in doubles in 2007
Maria Goloviznina روسيا Russia 1979 Ranked World No. 135 in singles in 2003 and World No. 139 in doubles in 1998
سارا جومر المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1964 Ranked World No. 46 in 1988
ايفون جولاجونج كولي أستراليا Australia 1951 7 Ranked World No. 1 in 1976 • 1974/1975/1976/1977(Dec.) Australian Open Champion1971 French Open champion1971/1980 Wimbledon champion • 1971/1974/1975/1976/1977(Dec.) Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1974 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1972 French Open mixed doubles champion
جوليا جورجيس ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1988 Ranked World No. 90 in 2008
إينيس جوروتشاتيجوي الأرجنتين Argentina 1973 Ranked World No. 19 in singles in 1994 and World No. 9 in doubles in 1995
Eleanor Goss الولايات المتحدة United States Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1923, 1924, and 1925 • 1918 U.S. Championships runner-up • 1918/1919/1920/1926 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion
أولغا بوتشكوفا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1988 Ranked World No. 35 in singles and World No. 47 in doubles in 2008
كارول كالدويل جرايبنر الولايات المتحدة United States 1943 2008 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1964 • 1965 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1966 Australian Championships women's doubles champion
شتيفي غراف ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1969 22 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996 • 1988/1989/1990/1994 Australian Open champion1987/1988/1993/1995/1996/1999 French Open champion1988/1989/1991/1992/1993/1995/1996 Wimbledon champion1988/1989/1993/1995/1996 US Open champion • 1988 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1992 Olympic silver medalist in singles • 1988 Olympic gold medalist in singles and bronze medalist in doubles
ديبي غراهام الولايات المتحدة United States 1970 Ranked World No. 26 in doubles at year-end in 1993
أماندا غرهام أستراليا Australia 1979 Ranked World No. 159 in 2002
ريتا غراندي إيطاليا Italy 1975 Ranked World No. 24 in singles and World No. 26 in doubles in 2001
ناتالي غراندين جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1981 Ranked World No. 144 in singles in 2005 and World No. 68 in doubles in 2008
لورا غرانفيل الولايات المتحدة United States 1981 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 2003 and World No. 47 in doubles in 2007
Gertruida Groenman Walhof هولندا Netherlands 1944 1966 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
آنا لينا غرونفيلد ألمانيا الغربية Germany 1985 Ranked World No. 14 in singles and World No. 7 in doubles in 2006
Marzia Grossi إيطاليا Italy 1970 Ranked World No. 79 in singles in 1993 and World No. 102 in doubles in 1989
آن غروسمان الولايات المتحدة United States 1970 Ranked World No. 31 in doubles at year-end in 1993
جارملا غاجدوسوفا أستراليا Australia 1987 Ranked World No. 64 in singles in 2006 and World No. 51 in doubles in 2007
ماجدالينا جرزيبوسكا بولندا Poland 1978 Ranked World No. 30 in singles in 1998 and World No. 86 in doubles in 1997
سوفيا جوباكسي المجر Hungary 1981 Ranked World No. 76 in singles in 2002 and World No. 93 in doubles in 2003
كارلي جوليكسون الولايات المتحدة United States 1986 Ranked World No. 141 in singles in 2009 and World No. 52 in doubles in 2006
كيري أن جوس أستراليا Australia 1972 Ranked World No. 60 in singles in 1997 and World No. 26 in doubles in 1998
Natalia Gussoni الأرجنتين Argentina 1981 Ranked World No. 134 in singles in 2004
كارينا هابسودوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1973 Ranked World No. 10 in 1997
سابين هاك ألمانيا Germany 1969 Ranked World No. 13 in singles in 1995 and World No. 94 in doubles in 1994
جولي هالارد ديكوجيس فرنسا France 1970 Ranked World No. 7 in singles and World No. 1 in doubles in 2000 • 2000 US Open women's doubles champion
سيلفيا هانيكا ألمانيا West Germany 1959 Ranked World No. 5 in 1983
دانيلا هانتشوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1983 Ranked World No. 5 in singles in 2003 and World No. 5 in doubles in 2002 • 2001 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 2002 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 2005 French Open mixed doubles champion • 2005 US Open mixed doubles champion
دارلين هارد الولايات المتحدة United States 1936 3 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1957, 1960, and 1961 • 1960 French Championships champion1960/1961 U.S. Championships champion • 1957/1959/1960/1963 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1955/1957/1960 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1958/1959/1960/1961/1962 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1957/1959/1960 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1955/1961 French Championships mixed doubles champion
كأس فيد المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1939 • 1939 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Tanya Harford جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1958 1981 French Open women's doubles champion
أشلي هاركلرود الولايات المتحدة United States 1985 Ranked World No. 39 in singles in 2003 and World No. 39 in doubles in 2007
آنا ماكيون هاربر الولايات المتحدة United States 1902 1999 1931 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • Top-ranked player in the United States in 1930
كيري هاريس أستراليا Australia 1949 1972 Australian Open women's doubles champion
Betty Harrison المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1950 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
دوريس هارت الولايات المتحدة United States 1925 6 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1951 • 1949 Australian Championships champion1950/1952 French Championships champion1951 Wimbledon champion1954/1955 U.S. Championships champion • 1950 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1948/1950/1951/1952/1953 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1947/1951/1952/1953 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1951/1952/1953/1954 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1949/1950 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion • 1951/1952/1953 French Championships mixed doubles champion • 1951/1952/1953/1954/1955 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1951/1952/1953/1954/1955 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
Kathleen Harter الولايات المتحدة United States 1946 1967 Wimbledon semifinalist
ليندا وايلد الولايات المتحدة United States 1971 Ranked World No. 23 in singles and World No. 17 in doubles in 1996
Barbara Hawcroft أستراليا Australia 1950 1972 Australian Open quarterfinalist
أنجيلا هاينس الولايات المتحدة United States 1984 Ranked World No. 95 in singles in 2005 and World No. 86 in doubles in 2008
Marie Hazel 1923 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
ماري هيلي المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1932 • 1932 Wimbledon semifinalist
Bobbie Heine Miller Davie جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1910 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1929 • 1929 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1927 French Championships women's doubles champion
جولي هيلدمان الولايات المتحدة United States 1945 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1969
Ginger Helgeson-Nielsen الولايات المتحدة United States 1968 Ranked World No. 29 in singles and World No. 38 in doubles in 1995
جوستين هينين بلجيكا Belgium 1982 7 Ranked World No. 1 in singles at year-end in 2003, 2006, and 2007 and World No. 23 in doubles in 2002 • 2003/2005/2006/2007 French Open champion2003/2007 US Open champion2004 Australian Open champion • Ranked World No. 1 for 125 weeks
Vanessa Henke ألمانيا Germany 1981 Ranked World No. 137 in singles in 2005 and World No. 110 in doubles in 2002
Ann Henricksson الولايات المتحدة United States 1959 Ranked World No. 36 in singles in 1985 and World No. 40 in doubles in 1988
بولونا هيركوج سلوفينيا Slovenia 1991 Ranked World No. 198 in singles in April 2009
Nathalie Herreman فرنسا France 1966 Ranked World No. 42 in singles in 1986 and World No. 35 in doubles in 1988
Betty Hilton المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1949 • 1949 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1946 French Championships quarterfinalist
مارتينا هينجيز سويسرا Switzerland 1980 5 Ranked World No. 1 in singles at year-end in 1997, 1999, and 2000 • Ranked World No. 1 in doubles in 1998 • 1997/1998/1999 Australian Open champion1997 Wimbledon champion1997 US Open champion • 1996/1998 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1997/1998/1999/2002 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1998/2000 French Open women's doubles champion • 1998 US Open women's doubles champion • 2006 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • Ranked World No. 1 for 209 weeks
ريكا هيراكي اليابان Japan 1971 Ranked World No. 72 in singles and World No. 26 in doubles in 1997 • 1997 French Open mixed doubles champion
شيهو هيساماتسو اليابان Japan 1979 Ranked World No. 143 in 2006
تيريزا هلاديكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1988 Ranked World No. 197 in April 2009
Jennifer Staley Hoad أستراليا Australia 1934 1954 Australian Championships runner-up
آن هوبز المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1959 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 1981 and World No. 6 in doubles in 1984
Patti Hogan Fordyce الولايات المتحدة United States 1949 1972 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
دوروثي هولمان المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1883 1912/1913 Wimbledon semifinalist • 1920 Olympic silver medalist in singles and women's doubles
Miroslava Holubova تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1976 French Open quarterfinalist
جنيفر هوبكنز الولايات المتحدة United States 1981 Ranked World No. 52 in singles in 2001 and World No. 55 in doubles in 2005
نيل هول هوبمان أستراليا Australia 1909 1968 1939/1947 Australian Championships runner-up • 1930/1936/1937/1939 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion • 1954 French Championships women's doubles champion
أماندا هوبمانس هولندا Netherlands 1976 Ranked World No. 72 in singles in 1999 and World No. 88 in doubles in 2000
Marie Luise Horn ألمانيا Germany Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1932 and 1937 • 1936 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
كاثلين هورفاث الولايات المتحدة United States 1965
Justina Bricka Horwitz الولايات المتحدة United States 1943 1965 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
لوسي هراديكا التشيك Czech Republic 1985 Ranked World No. 87 in singles in 2009 and World No. 45 in doubles in 2007
إيفا هردينوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1984 Ranked World No. 168 in singles and World No. 55 in doubles in 2008
ستانيسلافا هروزنسكا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1982 Ranked World No. 146 in 2003
هيش سو وي تايوان Taiwan 1986 Ranked World No. 78 in singles in 2008 and World No. 30 in doubles in 2009
هو نا الصين China
الولايات المتحدة United States
1963 Ranked World No. 48 in singles in 1988 and World No. 49 in doubles in 1990
أنكه هوبر ألمانيا Germany 1974 Ranked World No. 4 in singles in 1996 and World No. 30 in doubles in 2000
ليزل هوبر جنوب أفريقيا South Africa
الولايات المتحدة United States
1976 Ranked World No. 131 in singles in 1999 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2007 • 2005/2007 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2007 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2008 US Open women's doubles champion
ليزلي هانت أستراليا Australia 1950 Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1974
جانيت هوساروفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1974 Ranked World No. 31 in singles and World No. 3 in doubles in 2003
Patricia Hy-Boulais كندا Canada 1965 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 1993 and World No. 36 in doubles in 1987
كوميكو إيجيما اليابان Japan 1982 Ranked World No. 196 in 2008
إتسوكو اينو اليابان Japan 1964 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1988 and World No. 34 in doubles in 1987
ماريسا إيرفين الولايات المتحدة United States 1980 Ranked World No. 51 in singles and World No. 84 in doubles in 2002
إيكاترينا لوبيز روسيا Russia 1987 Ranked World No. 153 in 2009
آنا إيفانوفيتش صربيا Serbia 1987 1 Ranked World No. 1 in singles in 2008 and World No. 50 in doubles in 2006 • 2008 French Open champion
جاميا جاكسون الولايات المتحدة United States 1986 Ranked World No. 45 in 2006
هيلين جاكوبز الولايات المتحدة United States 1908 1997 5 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1936 • 1932/1933/1934/1935 U.S. Championships champion1936 Wimbledon champion • 1932/1934/1935 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1934 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
أندريا جايجر الولايات المتحدة United States 1965 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1982 and 1983 • 1981 French Open mixed doubles champion
ميشيل جاجارد لاي أستراليا Australia 1969 Ranked World No. 83 in singles in 1993 and World No. 42 in doubles in 1991
إيلينا يانكوفيتش صربيا Serbia 1985 Ranked World No. 1 in singles at year-end in 2008 and World No. 43 in doubles in 2006 • 2007 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ميما ياوشوفيتس جمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية Yugoslavia 1956 1 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1976 • 1977 French Open champion • 1978 French Open women's doubles champion
مونيك جافر المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1967 Ranked World No. 56 in 1992
Tatjana Ječmenica جمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية Yugoslavia 1978 Ranked World No. 72 in singles and World No. 88 in doubles in 1996
Jadwiga Jędrzejowska بولندا Poland 1912 1980 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1937 • 1939 French Championships women's doubles champion
جيون مي را كوريا الجنوبية Korea 1978 Ranked World No. 129 in singles in 2003 and World No. 120 in doubles in 2004
ماريون زينديرستين الولايات المتحدة United States 1897 1979 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1922 • 1919/1920 U.S. Championships runner-up • 1918/1919/1920/1921 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1919 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1924 Olympic silver medalist in mixed doubles
سونيا جياسيلان كندا Canada 1976 Ranked World No. 48 in singles and World No. 40 in doubles in 2000
إلينا جيدكوفا روسيا Russia 1977 Ranked World No. 51 in singles in 2005 and World No. 50 in doubles in 2003
ماتيلد يوهانسون فرنسا France 1985 Ranked World No. 64 in 2009
آن جونز المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1938 3 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1967 and 1969 • 1961/1966 French Championships champion1969 Wimbledon champion • 1963/1968/1969 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1969 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion • 1969 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ماريون جونز فاركوهار الولايات المتحدة United States 1879 1965 2 1899/1902 U.S. Championships champion • 1902 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1901 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1900 Olympic bronze medalist in singles and mixed doubles
باربارا جوردن (تنس) الولايات المتحدة United States 1957 1 Ranked World No. 78 in 1983 • 1979 Australian Open champion • 1983 French Open mixed doubles champion
كاثي جوردان الولايات المتحدة United States 1959 Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1984 • 1980 French Open women's doubles champion • 1980/1985 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1981 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1981 US Open women's doubles champion • 1986 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1986 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
بيتينا خوزامي الأرجنتين Argentina 1988 Ranked World No. 132 in singles in 2009 and World No. 96 in doubles in 2008
ميرفانا يوجيتش سالكيتش البوسنة والهرسك Bosnia and
1980 Ranked World No. 99 in singles in 2004 and World No. 59 in doubles in 2006
Yone Kamio اليابان Japan 1971 Ranked World No. 24 in singles in 1995 and World No. 65 in doubles in 1994
بترا كامسترا هولندا Netherlands 1974 Ranked World No. 70 in singles and World No. 97 in doubles in 1995
يانا كاندر ألمانيا Germany 1976 Ranked World No. 43 in singles in 2001 and World No. 108 in doubles in 2000
كايا كانيبي إستونيا Estonia 1985 Ranked World No. 19 in 2009
Angelikí Kanellopoúlou اليونان Greece 1965 Ranked World No. 43 in 1987
أنيكو كابروس المجر Hungary 1983 Ranked World No. 44 in 2004
سيسيل كاراتانتشيفا بلغاريا Bulgaria
كازاخستان Kazakhstan
1989 Ranked World No. 35 in 2005
Carina Karlsson السويد Sweden 1963 1984 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Lilian Kelaidis-Drescher سويسرا Switzerland 1965 Ranked World No. 76 in singles in 1987 and World No. 85 in doubles in 1986
هيلين كيليسي كندا Canada 1969 Ranked World No. 13 in singles in 1989 and World No. 26 in doubles in 1991
Audra Keller الولايات المتحدة United States 1971 Ranked World No. 77 in singles in 1992 and World No. 92 in doubles in 1993
Fern "Peachy" Kellmeyer الولايات المتحدة United States 1944
آن كيوثافونج المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1983 Ranked World No. 48 in singles and World No. 110 in doubles in 2009
أنجليك كيربر ألمانيا Germany 1988 Ranked World No. 67 in 2007
Maya Kidowaki اليابان Japan 1969 Ranked World No. 68 in singles in 1991 and World No. 34 in doubles in 1992
أكيكو كيجيموتا اليابان Japan 1968 Ranked World No. 49 in singles in 1990 and World No. 93 in doubles in 1991
بيلي جين كينغ الولايات المتحدة United States 1943 12 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1972, and 1974 • 1966/1967/1968/1972/1973/1975 Wimbledon champion1967/1971/1972/1974 US Open champion1968 Australian Championships champion1972 French Open champion • 1961/1962/1965/1967/1968/1970/1971/1972/1973/1979 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1972 French Open women's doubles champion • 1964/1967/1974/1978/1980 US Open women's doubles champion • 1968 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion • 1967/1970 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1967/1971/1973/1974 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1967/1971/1973/1976 US Open mixed doubles champion
فانيا كينغ الولايات المتحدة United States 1989 Ranked World No. 50 in singles in 2006 and World No. 23 in doubles in 2007
ماريا كيريلينكو روسيا Russia 1987 Ranked World No. 18 in singles in 2008 and World No. 18 in doubles in 2009
جيسيكا كيركلاند الولايات المتحدة United States 1987 Ranked World No. 151 in 2005
سابين كلاشكا ألمانيا Germany 1980 Ranked World No. 133 in 2005
ساندرا كلينوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1978 Ranked World No. 41 in 1998
أندريا كليباك سلوفينيا Slovenia 1986 Ranked World No. 99 in singles in 2008 and World No. 114 in doubles in 2009
أليسا كليبانوفا روسيا Russia 1989 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 2009 and World No. 61 in doubles in 2008
ساندرا كلوسل ألمانيا Germany 1979 Ranked World No. 87 in singles and World No. 128 in doubles in 2007
كارين كناب إيطاليا Italy 1987 Ranked World No. 35 in 2008
دوروثي هيد كنود الولايات المتحدة United States 1925 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1955 and 1957 • 1955/1957 French Championships runner-up
Marketa Kochta ألمانيا Germany 1975 Ranked World No. 45 in 1994
كلوديا كوده-كيليش ألمانيا West Germany 1963 Ranked World No. 4 in 1985 • 1985 US Open women's doubles champion • 1987 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1988 Olympic bronze medalist in women's doubles
راكيل كوبس جونز الولايات المتحدة United States 1982 Ranked World No. 162 in singles in 2007 and World No. 42 in doubles in 2008
جوجا كورموسزي المجر Hungary 1924 2006 1 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1958 • 1958 French Championships champion
ماريا كوريتسيفا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1985 Ranked World No. 50 in singles and World No. 39 in doubles in 2008
آنا كورزينياك بولندا Poland 1988 Ranked World No. 182 in 2008
يلينا كوستانيتش توسيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1981 Ranked World No. 32 in singles and World No. 30 in doubles in 2004
إفغينيا كوليكوفسكايا روسيا Russia 1978 Ranked World No. 91 in singles and World No. 46 in doubles in 2003
آنا كورنيكوفا روسيا Russia 1981 Ranked World No. 8 in singles at year-end in 2000 and World No. 1 in doubles in 1999 • 1999/2002 Australian Open women's doubles champion
ميكايلا كرايتشيك هولندا Netherlands 1989 Ranked World No. 30 in singles in 2008 and World No. 34 in doubles in 2006
كارين كرانتزكي أستراليا Australia 1946 1977 Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1970 • 1970 French Open semifinalist • 1970/1977 Australian Open semifinalist • 1968 Australian Championships women's doubles champion
لينا كراسنوروتسكايا روسيا Russia 1984 Ranked World No. 25 in singles and World No. 22 in doubles in 2004
Alexandra Kravets أوكرانيا Ukraine 1983 Ranked World No. 183 in 2004
آن كريمر لوكسمبورغ Luxembourg 1975 Ranked World No. 18 in singles and World No. 140 in doubles in 2002
كاترينا كروبوفا شيشكوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1974 Ranked World No. 61 in 1992
جانيت كروغر جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1973 Ranked World No. 21 in singles in 1998 and World No. 91 in doubles in 2002
Marise Kruger جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1958 1978 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
كارين كشويندت النمسا Austria 1968 Ranked World No. 37 in singles and World No. 45 in doubles in 1996
كريستينا كوكوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1990 Ranked World No. 180 in 2009
سوزانا كاتشوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1982 Ranked World No. 173 in 2003
آلا كودريافتسيفا روسيا Russia 1987 Ranked World No. 59 in singles in 2007 and World No. 42 in doubles in 2008
Caroline Kuhlman الولايات المتحدة United States 1966 Ranked World No. 78 in 1993
ريجينا كولكوفا روسيا Russia 1989 Ranked World No. 153 in 2008
كريستين كونسي أستراليا Australia 1970 Ranked World No. 45 in singles and World No. 25 in doubles in 1994
Ľubomíra Kurhajcová سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1983 Ranked World No. 59 in singles and World No. 78 in doubles in 2004
داريا كوستوفا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1986 Ranked World No. 184 in singles and World No. 66 in doubles in 2008
ريتا كوتي كيس المجر Hungary 1978 Ranked World No. 47 in 2000
فيكتوريا كوتوزوفا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1988 Ranked World No. 76 in 2005
كاثي كيوكيندل الولايات المتحدة United States 1976 French Open quarterfinalist
سفتلانا كوزنتسوفا روسيا Russia 1985 1 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 2007 • 2004 US Open champion • 2005 Australian Open women's doubles champion
بيترا كفيتوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1990 Ranked World No. 40 in 2009
فلورنسيا لابات الأرجنتين Argentina 1971 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1994 and World No. 27 in doubles in 1999
Simone Laffargue فرنسا France 1945 French Championships runner-up
إيما لين فنلندا Finland 1986 Ranked World No. 50 in singles and World No. 64 in doubles in 2006
Joan Fry Lakeman المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1906 1985 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1926 • 1925 Wimbledon runner-up
بيانكا لاماده ألمانيا Germany 1982 Ranked World No. 59 in singles and World No. 60 in doubles in 2001
سيلفيا لانس هاربر أستراليا Australia 1895 1 Ranked World No. 10 in 1924 • 1924 Australian Championships champion • 1923/1924/1925 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1923 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
نيلي لاندري فرنسا France 1916 1 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1946 • 1948 French Championships champion
Petra Langrová تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czech Republic 1970 Ranked World No. 53 in singles in 1997 and World No. 35 in doubles in 1993
Laura Lapi إيطاليا Italy 1970 Ranked World No. 84 in 1989
آنا لابوشتشينكوفا روسيا Russia 1986 Ranked World No. 95 in 2008
ميشيل لارشر دي بريتو البرتغال Portugal 1993 Ranked World No. 115 in 2009
إثيل تومسون لاركومبي المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1879 1965 1 1912 Wimbledon champion • 1914 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
جوانا لارسون (تنس) السويد Sweden 1988 Ranked World No. 155 in 2008
أولغا بوتشكوفا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1981 Ranked World No. 146 in 2005
Sylvana Lazzarino إيطاليا Italy 1933 1954 French Championships semifinalist
لي يي را كوريا الجنوبية Korea 1987 Ranked World No. 178 in 2008
ليندساي لي ووترز الولايات المتحدة United States 1977 Ranked World No. 33 iin singles in 1996 and World No. 86 in doubles in 1998 • 1960/1961 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
يان ليهان أستراليا Australia 1941 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1963 • 1960/1961/1962/1963 Australian Championships runner-up • 1960/1961 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
سوزان لنجلن فرنسا France 1899 1938 12 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end from 1921 through 1926 • 1919/1920/1921/1922/1923/1925 Wimbledon champion1920/1921/1922/1923/1925/1926 French Championships champion
غالا ليون غارسيا إسبانيا Spain 1973 Ranked World No. 27 in singles and World No. 107 in doubles in 2000
فارفارا ليبتشينكو الولايات المتحدة United States
أوزبكستان Uzbekistan
1986 Ranked World No. 84 in singles in 2006 and World No. 143 in doubles in 2007
Dorothy Levine الولايات المتحدة United States 1954 French Championships quarterfinalist
لي فانغ (تنس) الصين China 1973 Ranked World No. 36 in singles in 1998 and World No. 49 in doubles in 1994
Li Na الصين China 1982 Ranked World No. 16 in singles in 2007 and World No. 54 in doubles in 2006
لي تينغ (تنس) الصين China 1980 Ranked World No. 136 in singles in 2005 and World No. 19 in doubles in 2004
كيلي ليجن جمهورية أيرلندا Ireland 1979 Ranked World No. 181 in singles and World No. 113 in doubles in 2003
ايلينا ليخوفتسيفا روسيا Russia 1975 Ranked World No. 15 in singles in 1999 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2004 • 2002 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 2007 Australian Open mixed doubles champion
كاتارينا ليندكفيست السويد Sweden 1963 Ranked World No. 10 in 1985
إيفغينيا لينيتسكايا إسرائيل Israel 1986 Ranked World No. 35 in 2005
سابين ليزيكي ألمانيا Germany 1989 Ranked World No. 43 in 2009
إيفانا ليسجاك كرواتيا Croatia 1987 Ranked World No. 95 in 2006
دوروثي راوند المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1908 1982 3 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1934 • 1934/1937 Wimbledon champion1935 Australian Championships champion • 1934/1935/1936 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ليو نانان الصين China 1983 Ranked World No. 141 in 2005
أنيتا ليزانا تشيلي Chile 1915 1994 1 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1937 • 1937 U.S. Championships champion
نوريا لاجوستيرا فيفس إسبانيا Spain 1980 Ranked World No. 35 in singles in 2005 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2009
إيميلي لوا فرنسا France 1979 Ranked World No. 27 in singles in 2004 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2003
إريكا دي لوني الولايات المتحدة United States 1972 Ranked World No. 65 in singles and World No. 45 in doubles in 2000
ثيلما كوين لونغ أستراليا Australia 1918 2 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1952 • 1952/1954 Australian Championships champion
Sarah Loosemore المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1971 Ranked World No. 82 in 1990
Noëlle van Lottum فرنسا France 1972 Ranked World No. 57 in singles in 1993 and World No. 59 in doubles in 1992
الولايات المتحدة United States 1960 Ranked World No. 19 in singles in 1985 and World No. 31 in doubles in 1992
Gail Sherriff
Chanfreau Lovera
فرنسا France 1945 1968/1971 French Open quarterfinalist
لو جينغجينغ الصين China 1989 Ranked World No. 188 in singles in 2009
فرانشيسكا لوبياني إيطاليا Italy 1977 Ranked World No. 58 in singles in 1997 and World No. 114 in doubles in 2005
ميريانا لوشيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1982 Ranked World No. 32 in singles and World No. 19 in doubles in 1998 • 1998 Australian Open women's doubles champion
تتيانا لوزانسكا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1984 Ranked World No. 159 in singles in 2008 and World No. 99 in doubles in 2007
أوكسانا ليوبتسوفا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1985 Ranked World No. 149 in 2008
Cammy MacGregor الولايات المتحدة United States 1968 Ranked World No. 75 in singles in 1986 and World No. 38 in doubles in 1992
Cynthia MacGregor الولايات المتحدة United States 1964 Ranked World No. 177 in singles and World No. 50 in doubles in 1988
Ivanna Madrgua-Osses الأرجنتين Argentina 1961 1980 French Open quarterfinalist • 1980/1983 US Open quarterfinalist
كارولين مايس بلجيكا Belgium 1982 Ranked World No. 151 in singles in 2007 and World No. 135 in doubles in 2008
غريتشن ماجيرس الولايات المتحدة United States 1964 Ranked World No. 29 in singles at year-end in 1989 and World No. 18 in doubles in 1990
ايفا مايولي كرواتيا Croatia 1977 1 Ranked World No. 4 in singles in 1996 and World No. 24 in doubles in 1995 • 1997 French Open champion
إيكاترينا ماكاروفا روسيا Russia 1988 Ranked World No. 46 in singles and World No. 51 in doubles in 2008
إيلينا ماكاروفا روسيا Russia 1973 Ranked World No. 43 in singles in 1996 and World No. 36 in doubles in 1995
كاترينا مالييفا بلغاريا Bulgaria 1969 Ranked World No. 6 in 1990
ماغدالينا مالييفا بلغاريا Bulgaria 1975 Ranked World No. 4 in singles in 1996 and World No. 13 in doubles in 2004
مانويلا ماليفا بلغاريا Bulgaria 1967 Ranked World No. 3 in 1985 • 1984 US Open mixed doubles champion
تاتيانا ماريا ألمانيا Germany 1987 Ranked World No. 81 in singles in 2008 and World No. 116 in doubles in 2007
مولا مالوري النرويج Norway
الولايات المتحدة United States
1884 1959 8 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1921 and 1922 • 1915/1916/1917/1918/1920/1921/1922/1926 U.S. Championships champion • 1916/1917 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1917/1922/1923 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
Sanda Mamić كرواتيا Croatia 1985 Ranked World No. 83 in 2005
فيسنا دولونك روسيا Russia 1989 Ranked World No. 126 in 2008
هانا ماندليكوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia
أستراليا Australia
1962 4 Ranked World No. 3 in 1984 • 1980/1987 Australian Open champion1981 French Open champion1985 US Open champion • 1989 US Open women's doubles champion
بترا ماندولا المجر Hungary 1978 Ranked World No. 30 in singles in 2004 and World No. 13 in doubles in 2003
Lucia Manfredi إيطاليا Italy 1947 French Championships quarterfinalist
Eugenia Maniokova روسيا Russia 1968 Ranked World No. 66 in singles in 1992 and World No. 18 in doubles in 1994
أليس ماربل الولايات المتحدة United States 1913 1990 5 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1939 • 1936/1938/1939/1940 U.S. Championships champion1939 Wimbledon champion • 1937/1938/1939/1940 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1938/1939 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1936/1938/1939/1940 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1937/1938/1939 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
كاتالين ماروسي المجر Hungary 1979 Ranked World No. 101 in singles and World No. 71 in doubles in 2000
مارتا ماريرو إسبانيا Spain 1983 Ranked World No. 47 in singles in 2004 and World No. 47 in doubles in 2005
نورما مارش أستراليا Australia 1936
ريجينا مارسيكوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1958 1977/1978 French Open semifinalist
بترا مارتيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1991 Ranked World No. 181 in 2008
ستايسي مارتن الولايات المتحدة United States 1970 Ranked World No. 82 in 1989
فيرونيكا مارتينيك ألمانيا Germany 1972 Ranked World No. 49 in singles in 1991 and World No. 117 in doubles in 1994
Cecilia Martinez الولايات المتحدة United States 1947 1970 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
كونتشيتا مارتينث إسبانيا Spain 1972 1 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1995 • 1994 Wimbledon champion • 1992/2004 Olympic silver medalist in women's doubles • 1996 Olympic bronze medalist in women's doubles
كونشيتا مارتينيز غرانادوس إسبانيا Spain 1976 Ranked World No. 66 in singles and World No. 82 in doubles in 2003
ماريا خوسيه مارتينيز سانشيز إسبانيا Spain 1982 Ranked World No. 52 in singles and World No. 16 in doubles in 2009
Sandra Marinovic البوسنة والهرسك Bosnia and
1979 Ranked World No. 187 in 2008
ماريون ماروسكا النمسا Austria 1972 Ranked World No. 50 in singles in 1997 and World No. 123 in doubles in 2000
هيلغا نيسين ماسثوف ألمانيا West Germany 1941 Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1970 • 1970 French Open runner-up • 1976 French Open women's doubles runner-up
سيمونا ماتي رومانيا Romania 1985 Ranked World No. 145 in 2006
ماجا ماتفزيتش سلوفينيا Slovenia 1980 Ranked World No. 38 in singles and World No. 34 in doubles in 2003
سيموني ماثيو فرنسا France 1908 1980 2 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1932 • 1938/1939 French Championships champion • 1933/1934/1937 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1933/1934/1936/1937/1938/1939 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1937/1938 French Championships mixed doubles champion
بيثيان ماتيك ساندز الولايات المتحدة United States 1985 Ranked World No. 37 in singles in 2009 and World No. 21 in doubles in 2008
إميلي موريسمو فرنسا France 1979 2 Ranked World No. 1 in 2004 and 2006 • 2006 Australian Open champion2006 Wimbledon champion
Kathy May Teacher Paben Fritz الولايات المتحدة United States 1956 1977/1978 French Open quarterfinalist • 1978 US Open quarterfinalist
باتريسيا ماير أخلايتنر النمسا Austria 1986 Ranked World No. 72 in 2009
كيلي ماكين الولايات المتحدة United States 1983 Ranked World No. 117 in singles in 2004 and World No. 121 in doubles in 2005
ميريديث ماكغراث الولايات المتحدة United States 1971 Ranked World No. 18 in singles in 1996 and World No. 5 in doubles in 1994 • 1995 US Open mixed doubles champion
Mary McIlquham هولندا Netherlands 1929 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
لوري ماكنيل الولايات المتحدة United States 1963 Ranked World No. 9 in singles in 1988 and World No. 4 in doubles in 1987 • 1987 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1988 French Open mixed doubles champion
راشيل ماكيلان أستراليا Australia 1971 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 1991 and World No. 15 in doubles in 1992
ليزا مكشيا أستراليا Australia 1974 Ranked World No. 139 in singles in 2000 and World No. 32 in doubles in 2005
أنابيل ميدينا غاريغيس إسبانيا Spain 1982 Ranked World No. 19 in singles in 2009 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2008 • 2008 French Open women's doubles champion
ناتاليا ميدفيديفا (تنس) الاتحاد السوفيتي Soviet Union
أوكرانيا Ukraine
1971 Ranked World No. 23 in singles in 2003 and World No. 21 in doubles in 1994
Silke Meier ألمانيا Germany 1968 Ranked World No. 40 in singles in 1987 and World No. 85 in doubles in 1996
Christianne Mercelis بلجيكا Belgium 1957 French Championships quarterfinalist
ليلى ميسخي الاتحاد السوفيتي Soviet Union
جورجيا Georgia
1968 Ranked World No. 12 in singles in 1991 and World No. 21 in doubles in 1995
إيفون موسبرغر النمسا Austria 1983 Ranked World No. 60 in 2007
Margaret "Peggy" Michel الولايات المتحدة United States 1949 1974/1975 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1974 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
فلورنتا ميهاي رومانيا Romania 1955 1977 French Open runner-up
ماجدا ميهالاتشي رومانيا Romania 1981 Ranked World No. 176 in singles in 2005 and World No. 120 in doubles in 1999
ماري جيان ميكائيليان سويسرا Switzerland 1984 Ranked World No. 33 in 2003
Anne Miller الولايات المتحدة United States 1977
آن مينتر أستراليا Australia 1963 Ranked World No. 23 in singles in 1988 and World No. 68 in doubles in 1990
سانيا ميرزا الهند India 1986 Ranked World No. 27 in singles and World No. 18 in doubles in 2007
نانا سميث اليابان Japan 1971 Ranked World No. 51 in singles in 1995 and World No. 12 in doubles in 1997
Corinne Molesworth المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1949 1972 French Open quarterfinalist
مارغريت مولسورث أستراليا Australia 1894 1985 2 Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1922 and 1923 • 1922/1923 Australian Championships champion • 1930/1933/1934 Australian Championships women's doubles champion
اليسيا موليك أستراليا Australia 1981 Ranked World No. 8 in singles and World No. 6 in doubles in 2005 • 2005 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2007 French Open women's doubles champion
دومينيك مونامي بلجيكا Belgium 1973 Ranked World No. 9 in singles in 1998 and World No. 21 in doubles in 2000
Ángeles Montolio إسبانيا Spain 1975 Ranked World No. 22 in singles in 2002 and World No. 114 in doubles in 1997
هيلين ويلز الولايات المتحدة United States 1905 1998 19 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, and 1938 • 1923/1924/1925/1927/1928/1929/1931 U.S. Championships champion1927/1928/1929/1930/1932/1933/1935/1938 Wimbledon champion1928/1929/1930/1932 French Championships champion • 1922/1924/1925/1928 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1924/1927/1930 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1930/1932 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1924/1928 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1929 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1924 Olympic gold medalist in singles and women's doubles
جيسيكا مور (تنس) أستراليا Australia 1990 Ranked World No. 132 in 2008
Sally Moore Huss الولايات المتحدة United States 1940 Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1959 • 1959 Wimbledon semifinalist
كورينا موراريو الولايات المتحدة United States 1978 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1998 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2000 • 1999 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2001 Australian Open mixed doubles champion
أكيكو موريجامي اليابان Japan 1980 Ranked World No. 41 in singles in 2005 and World No. 59 in doubles in 2007
أيومي موريتا اليابان Japan 1990 Ranked World No. 74 in singles and World No. 65 in doubles in 2009
أولغا موروزوفا الاتحاد السوفيتي Soviet Union 1949 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1975 • 1974 French Open women's doubles champion
أنجيلا مورتيمر المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1932 3 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1961 • 1955 French Championships champion1958 Australian Championships champion1961 Wimbledon champion • 1955 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Catherine Mothes فرنسا France 1970 Ranked World No. 81 in 1992
Joy Gannon Mottram المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1952 French Championships quarterfinalist
بهية محتسن المغرب Morocco 1979 Ranked World No. 139 in 2002
فيليس مدفورد كينغ المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1905 2006 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1930 • 1930 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1931 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
مارتينا مولر ألمانيا Germany 1982 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 2007 and World No. 47 in doubles in 2008
نيكول مانز جاجيرمان هولندا Netherlands 1967 Ranked World No. 43 in singles in 1990 and World No. 22 in doubles in 1995
أناستازيا ميسكينا روسيا Russia 1981 1 Ranked World No. 2 in singles in 2004 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2005 • 2004 French Open champion
ساندرا ناتشوك جمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية Yugoslavia 1980 Ranked World No. 81 in singles in 1999 and World No. 74 in doubles in 2000
كيوكو ناجاتسوكا اليابان Japan 1974 Ranked World No. 28 in singles and World No. 31 in doubles in 1995
بيتسي ناجيلسين الولايات المتحدة United States 1956 Ranked World No. 25 in singles in 1986 and World No. 11 in doubles in 1988 • 1978/1980 Australian Open women's doubles champion
كيرا ناجي المجر Hungary 1977 Ranked World No. 122 in singles in 2006 and World No. 96 in doubles in 2004
هنرييتا ناجيوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1978 Ranked World No. 21 in singles in 2001 and World No. 37 in doubles in 2002
إيكو ناكامورا اليابان Japan 1983 Ranked World No. 47 in singles in 2007 and World No. 64 in doubles in 2008
جونري ناميجاتا اليابان Japan 1982 Ranked World No. 146 in singles in 2006 and World No. 109 in doubles in 2008
مارتينا نافراتيلوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia
الولايات المتحدة United States
1956 18 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 1978, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1986 • 1978/1979/1982/1983/1984/1985/1986/1987/1990 Wimbledon champion1981/1983/1985 Australian Open champion1982/1984 French Open champion1983/1984/1986/1987 US Open champion • 1980/1982/1983/1984/1985/1987/1988/1989 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1975/1982/1984/1985/1986/1987/1988 French Open women's doubles champion • 1976/1979/1981/1982/1983/1984/1986 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1977/1978/1980/1983/1984/1986/1987/1989/1990 US Open women's doubles champion • 2003 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 1974/1985 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1985/1993/1995/2003 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1985/1987/2006 US Open mixed doubles champion • Ranked World No. 1 for 331 weeks
لاريسا نيلاند لاتفيا Latvia 1966 Ranked World No. 58 in singles in 1996 and World No. 1 in doubles in 1992 • 1989 French Open women's doubles champion • 1991 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1992 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1994/1996 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 1995 French Open mixed doubles champion
يانا نيدلي كندا Canada 1974 Ranked World No. 64 in 2000
لينكا نميتشكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1976 Ranked World No. 72 in singles in 1998 and World No. 85 in doubles in 1997
فيراج نيميث المجر Hungary 1985 Ranked World No. 130 in 2004
جانيت نيوبيري الولايات المتحدة United States 1953 1975/1977 French Open semifinalist
Helene Nicolopoulos اليونان Greece 1928 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
مونيكا نيكوليسكو رومانيا Romania 1987 Ranked World No. 47 in singles in 2008 and World No. 31 in doubles in 2009
بافلينا نولا بلغاريا Bulgaria 1974 Ranked World No. 68 in singles in 2001 and World No. 87 in doubles in 1998
هانا نوني السويد Sweden 1984 Ranked World No. 152 in 2005
سيدا نورلاندر هولندا Netherlands 1974 Ranked World No. 80 in singles and World No. 47 in doubles in 1999
Molly Van Nostrand الولايات المتحدة United States 1965 1985 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
يانا نوفوتنا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia
التشيك Czech Republic
1968 1 Ranked World No. 2 in singles at year-end in 1997 and World No. 1 in doubles in 1990 • 1998 Wimbledon champion • 1989/1990/1995/1998 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1990/1995 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1990/1991/1998 French Open women's doubles champion • 1994/1997/1998 US Open women's doubles champion • 1988/1989 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 1988 US Open mixed doubles champion • 1989 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
كاتارزينا نواك بولندا Poland 1969
كاتي أوبراين المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1986 Ranked World No. 104 in 2008
ساوري أوباتا اليابان Japan 1978 Ranked World No. 39 in singles and World No. 98 in doubles in 2004
Tzipora Obziler إسرائيل Israel 1973 Ranked World No. 75 in 2007
يولا راميريز المكسيك Mexico 1935 Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1961 • 1958 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1959 French Championships mixed doubles champion
Katja Oeljeklaus ألمانيا Germany 1971
سايكو أوكاموتو اليابان Japan 1978 Ranked World No. 178 in singles in 2006 and World No. 123 in doubles in 2004
رالوكا أولارو رومانيا Romania 1989 Ranked World No. 55 in 2007
ألكسندرا أولسزا بولندا Poland 1977 Ranked World No. 72 in singles in 1996 and World No. 69 in doubles in 1999
سوزانا أوندراسكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1980 Ranked World No. 74 in 2004
رومينا أوبراندي إيطاليا Italy 1986 Ranked World No. 46 in singles in 2006 and World No. 112 in doubles in 2007
ميريام أوريمانس هولندا Netherlands 1972 Ranked World No. 25 in singles in 1993 and World No. 19 in doubles in 1997
ليليا أوسترلوه الولايات المتحدة United States 1978 Ranked World No. 41 in singles in 2001 and World No. 77 in doubles in 1999
ناديدا أوستروفسكايا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1980 Ranked World No. 96 in 2001
ميلاني أودين الولايات المتحدة United States 1991 Ranked World No. 145 in 2009
نيكا أوزجوفيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1985 Ranked World No. 131 in 2007
كسينيا ألكان قيرغيزستان Kyrgyzstan 1989 Ranked World No. 165 in 2009
إيلينا بامبولوفا بلغاريا Bulgaria
ألمانيا Germany
1972 Ranked World No. 62 in singles and World No. 38 in doubles in 1996
يلينا باندزيك كرواتيا Croatia 1983 Ranked World No. 136 in 2008
ألكسندرا بانوفا روسيا Russia 1989 Ranked World No. 186 in 2009
تاتيانا بانوفا روسيا Russia 1976 Ranked World No. 20 in singles in 2002 and World No. 75 in doubles in 2003
باسكال باراديس فرنسا France 1966 Ranked World No. 20 in singles and World No. 38 in doubles in 1988
بارك سونغ هي كوريا الجنوبية Korea 1975 Ranked World No. 57 in singles in 1995 and World No. 34 in doubles in 1998
بولين بارمنتييه فرنسا France 1986 Ranked World No. 40 in 2008
أرانتشا بارا سانتونجا إسبانيا Spain 1982 Ranked World No. 52 in singles in 2004 and World No. 59 in doubles in 2008
Susan Chatrier Partridge إسبانيا Spain 1953 French Championships quarterfinalist
ميكايلا باستيكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1980 Ranked World No. 89 in singles and World No. 35 in doubles in 2005
تاميرا باسيك النمسا Austria 1990 Ranked World No. 35 in 2007
باربارا باولوس النمسا Austria 1970 Ranked World No. 10 in 1996
أنستازيا بافليوتشينكوفا روسيا Russia 1991 Ranked World No. 42 in singles in 2009 and World No. 81 in doubles in 2008
لوليتا بايوت سويسرا Switzerland 1 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1932 • 1945 French Championships champion • 1935 French Championships mixed doubles champion
مرسيدس باز الأرجنتين Argentina 1966 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 1991 and World No. 12 in doubles in 1990
Irene Bowder Peacock جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1892 Ranked World No. 6 at year-end in 1922 • 1927 French Championships runner-up • 1927 French Championships women's doubles champion
شاحار بئير إسرائيل Israel 1987 Ranked World No. 15 in singles in 2007 and World No. 14 in doubles in 2008
Maria-Eve Pelletier كندا Canada 1982 Ranked World No. 106 in singles in 2005 and World No. 90 in doubles in 2009
بينق شواي الصين China 1986 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 2005 and World No. 18 in doubles in 2008
فلافيا بينيتا إيطاليا Italy 1982 Ranked World No. 11 in singles in 2009 and World No. 14 in doubles in 2006
تاتيانا بربينيس أوكرانيا Ukraine 1982 Ranked World No. 55 in singles and World No. 35 in doubles in 2008
تيليانا بيريرا البرازيل Brazil 1988 Ranked World No. 196 in 2007
فلورا بيرفيتي إيطاليا Italy 1969 Ranked World No. 67 in 1997
أندا بيريانو رومانيا Romania 1980 Ranked World No. 120 in 2006
شيناي بيري الولايات المتحدة United States 1984 Ranked World No. 40 in singles in 2006 and World No. 97 in doubles in 2003
كسينيا بيرفاك روسيا Russia 1991 Ranked World No. 149 in 2009
كفيتا بيشكه التشيك Czech Republic 1975 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 2005 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2008
أندريا بيتكوفيتش ألمانيا Germany 1987 Ranked World No. 91 in 2008
ناديا بتروفا روسيا Russia 1982 Ranked World No. 3 in singles in 2006 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2005
إيفا بفاف ألمانيا West Germany 1961 Ranked World No. 17 in singles in 1983 and World No. 16 in doubles in 1988
تيري فيلبس الولايات المتحدة United States 1966 Ranked World No. 20 in singles in 1986 and World No. 37 in doubles in 1989
Virginie Pichet فرنسا France 1983 Ranked World No. 120 in 2004
Katia Piccolini إيطاليا Italy 1973 Ranked World No. 37 in 1991
فريدريكا بيدادي البرتغال Portugal 1982 Ranked World No. 142 in 2006
ماري بيرس فرنسا France 1975 2 Ranked World No. 3 in singles in 1995 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2000 • 1995 Australian Open champion2000 French Open champion • 2000 French Open women's doubles champion • 2005 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
كاميل بين فرنسا France 1981 Ranked World No. 61 in singles and World No. 95 in doubles in 2007
Neumanova Pinterova
تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia
المجر Hungary
1946 1974 French Open quarterfinalist
تسزفيتانا بيرونكوفا بلغاريا Bulgaria 1987 Ranked World No. 40 in 2008
تينا بيسنيك سلوفينيا Slovenia 1981 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 2004 and World No. 63 in doubles in 2000
Sarah Pitkowski-Malcor فرنسا France 1975 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1999 and World No. 101 in doubles in 1996
أناستازيا بيفوفاروفا روسيا Russia 1990 Ranked World No. 149 in 2008
غلوريا بيزيتشيني إيطاليا Italy 1975 Ranked World No. 45 in singles in 1996 and World No. 90 in doubles in 1997
سيلفيا بيلشكي النمسا Austria 1977 Ranked World No. 27 in singles in 1999 and World No. 78 in doubles in 2001
كيمبرلي بو الولايات المتحدة United States 1971 Ranked World No. 14 in singles in 1997 and World No. 6 in doubles in 2001 • 2000 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
Claudia Porwik ألمانيا Germany 1968 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1990 and World No. 24 in doubles in 1994
Jana Pospíšilová تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1970 Ranked World No. 49 in singles in 1989 and World No. 83 in doubles in 1991
باربارا بوتر الولايات المتحدة United States 1961
تاتيانا بوتشيك روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1979 Ranked World No. 55 in singles in 2002 and World No. 25 in doubles in 2008
وين براكوسيا إندونيسيا Indonesia 1981 Ranked World No. 74 in singles in 2002 and World No. 24 in doubles in 2003
بيتي روسينكويست برات الولايات المتحدة United States 1925 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1954 • 1954 Wimbledon semifinalist
نيكول برات أستراليا Australia 1973 Ranked World No. 35 in singles in 2002 and World No. 18 in doubles in 2001
Mary Ann Prentiss الولايات المتحدة United States 1948 French Championships quarterfinalist
ساندرا رينولدز جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1934 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1960 • 1959 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1959/1961/1962 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1959 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
ويلترود بروبست ألمانيا Germany 1969 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 1991 and World No. 32 in doubles in 1996
ليباش بروشوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1979 Ranked World No. 103 in singles in 2002 and World No. 46 in doubles in 2004
أولغا بوتشكوفا روسيا Russia 1987 Ranked World No. 32 in 2007
جولي بولين المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1975 Ranked World No. 125 in singles in 2000 and World No. 67 in doubles in 1998
Karine Quentrec فرنسا France 1969 Ranked World No. 45 in singles in 1991 and World No. 110 in doubles in 1994
Jean Quertier المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1952 • 1948/1952 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1953 French Championships quarterfinalist
أنيشكا رادفانسكا بولندا Poland 1989 Ranked World No. 9 in singles and World No. 34 in doubles in 2008
أورزولا رادفانسكا بولندا Poland 1990 Ranked World No. 80 in singles in 2009 and World No. 112 in doubles in 2008
Regina Rajchrtová تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1968 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1991 and World No. 45 in doubles in 1990
بترا رامبري سلوفينيا Slovenia 1980 Ranked World No. 162 in singles and World No. 84 in doubles in 2000
دالي راندريانتيفي مدغشقر Madagascar 1977 Ranked World No. 44 in 2005
سونيثا راو الهند India 1985 Ranked World No. 144 in singles and World No. 108 in doubles in 2008
ليزا ريموند الولايات المتحدة United States 1973 Ranked World No. 15 in singles in 1997 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2000 • 2000 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2001 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2001/2005 US Open women's doubles champion • 2006 French Open women's doubles champion • 1996/2002 US Open mixed doubles champion • 1999 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 2003 French Open mixed doubles champion
فيرجيني رازانو فرنسا France 1983 Ranked World No. 24 in singles in 2008 and World No. 82 in doubles in 2001
Hazel Redick-Smith جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1926 1952 French Championships semifinalist
سامانثا ريفيس الولايات المتحدة United States 1979 Ranked World No. 62 in singles in 2002 and World No. 51 in doubles in 2003
رافايلا ريغي إيطاليا Italy 1965 Ranked World No. 13 in singles in 1988 and World No. 25 in doubles in 1991
ستيفاني ريهي الولايات المتحدة United States 1969 Ranked World No. 10 in 1989
كيري ريد أستراليا Australia 1947 1 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1971 • 1977 (January) Australian Open champion • 1968/1977 Australian Championships/Open women's doubles champion • 1978 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
روني ريس الولايات المتحدة United States 1966 Ranked World No. 78 in singles in 1989 and World No. 31 in doubles in 1988
إلنا رايناخ جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1968 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1989 and World No. 10 in doubles in 1990
Jennifer Mundel Reinbold جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1962 1983 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Beate Reinstadler النمسا Austria 1967 Ranked World No. 60 in singles in 1994
ماري كارتر ريتانو أستراليا Australia 1934 2 1956/1959 Australian Championships champion • 1961 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1960/1961 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
Dinky Van Rensburg جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1968 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1991 and World No. 27 in doubles in 1988
ارغوان رضائي فرنسا France 1987 Ranked World No. 40 in singles in 2007 and World No. 120 in doubles in 2009
نانسي ريتشي الولايات المتحدة United States 1942 2 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1968 • 1967 Australian Championships champion1968 French Open champion • 1966 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1965/1966 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion
لودميلا ريشتيروفا التشيك Czech Republic 1977 Ranked World No. 62 in 1996
Joan Ridley O'Meara المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1929 Wimbledon semifinalist
Helen Rihbany الولايات المتحدة United States 1949 Wimbledon semifinalist
كاثي رينالدي الولايات المتحدة United States 1967 Ranked World No. 7 in 1986
روزانا دي لوس ريوس باراغواي Paraguay 1975 Ranked World No. 51 in singles in 2001 and World No. 52 in doubles in 2003
Brie Rippner الولايات المتحدة United States 1980 Ranked World No. 57 in singles in 1999 and World No. 92 in doubles in 2002
بربارا ريتنر ألمانيا Germany 1973 Ranked World No. 24 in singles in 1993 and World No. 23 in doubles in 2002
إسنا بويد أستراليا Australia 1899 1966 1 Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1928 • 1927 Australian Championships champion • 1922/1923/1926/1928 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1922/1926/1927 Australian Championships mixed doubles champion
إيفجينيا رودينا روسيا Russia 1989 Ranked World No. 87 in singles and World No. 133 in doubles in 2008
أناستازيا روديونوفا روسيا Russia 1982 Ranked World No. 63 in singles in 2007 and World No. 36 in doubles in 2008
أنجيليكا روش ألمانيا Germany 1977 Ranked World No. 69 in singles and World No. 107 in doubles in 2003
أشا رول الولايات المتحدة United States 1985 Ranked World No. 82 in singles in 2007 and World No. 118 in doubles in 2006
Barbara Romano إيطاليا Italy 1965
E. F. Rose 1923 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
ستيفاني روتير هولندا Netherlands 1974 Ranked World No. 30 in singles in 1993 and World No. 93 in doubles in 1996
Odile de Roubin فرنسا France 1948 1973 French Open quarterfinalist
Capucine Rousseau فرنسا France 1980 Ranked World No. 118 in 2004
فيرخينيا روانو باسكوال إسبانيا Spain 1973 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 1999 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2003 • 2001/2002/2004/2005/2008 French Open women's doubles champion • 2002/2003/2004 US Open women's doubles champion • 2004 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2000 French Open mixed doubles champion
تشاندا روبين الولايات المتحدة United States 1976 Ranked World No. 6 in singles in 1996 and World No. 9 in doubles in 1996
ماجدا رورك رومانيا Romania Ranked World No. 9 at year-end in 1948 • 1947 French Championships quarterfinalist
أرانتشا روس هولندا Netherlands 1990 Ranked World No. 146 in singles in 2009
مارجيت رتل إستونيا Estonia 1983 Ranked World No. 162 in 2008
فرجينيا روزيتشي رومانيا Romania 1955 1 Ranked World No. 8 in 1979 • 1978 French Open champion • 1978 French Open women's doubles champion
إليزابيث ريان الولايات المتحدة United States 1892 1979 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1927 • 1914/1922/1930/1932/1933/1934 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1914/1919/1920/1921/1922/1923/1925/1926/1927/1930/1933/1934 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1926 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1913/1914 French Championships mixed doubles champion • 1919/1921/1923/1927/1928/1930/1932 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1926/1933 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
ماغدالينا ريباريكوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1988 Ranked World No. 46 in 2009
غابرييلا ساباتيني الأرجنتين Argentina 1970 1 Ranked World No. 3 in singles in 1989 and World No. 7 in doubles in 1988 • 1990 US Open champion • 1988 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Miho Saeki اليابان Japan 1976 Ranked World No. 56 in singles in 1998 and World No. 49 in 1997
لوسي سافاروفا التشيك Czech Republic 1987 Ranked World No. 22 in singles in 2007 and World No. 74 in doubles in 2009
دينارا سافينا روسيا Russia 1986 Ranked World No. 1 in singles in 2009 and World No. 8 in doubles in 2008 • 2007 US Open women's doubles champion
جوانا ساكويكز كوستكا بولندا Poland 1984 Ranked World No. 138 in 2006
ماريا إميليا ساليرني الأرجنتين Argentina 1983 Ranked World No. 65 in singles in 2008 and World No. 45 in doubles in 2002
أوليفيا سانشيز فرنسا France 1982 Ranked World No. 90 in 2008
ماريا سانشيز لورنزو إسبانيا Spain 1977 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 2004 and World No. 78 in doubles in 2006
أرانتشا سانتشيث فيكاريو إسبانيا Spain 1971 4 Ranked World No. 1 in singles in 1995 and World No. 1 in doubles in 1992 • 1989/1994/1998 French Open champion1994 US Open champion • 1992/1995/1996 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1993/1994 US Open women's doubles champion • 1995 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1990/1992 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1993 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 2000 US Open mixed doubles champion
كريستينا ساندبرغ السويد Sweden 1948
رالوكا ساندو رومانيا Romania 1980 Ranked World No. 91 in 1999
مارا سانتانجلو إيطاليا Italy 1981 Ranked World No. 27 in singles and World No. 5 in doubles in 2007 • 2007 French Open women's doubles champion
Valentina Sassi إيطاليا Italy 1980 Ranked World No. 144 in 2002
Phyllis Satterthwaite المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1889 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1924 • 1924 Wimbledon semifinalist
أولغا سافتشوك أوكرانيا Ukraine 1987 Ranked World No. 79 in singles in 2008 and World No. 74 in doubles in 2009
Yevgenia Savranska أوكرانيا Ukraine 1984 Ranked World No. 172 in 2006
كازوكو سوماتسو اليابان Japan 1951 1975 French Open quarterfinalist • 1975 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
ناوكو سواماتسا اليابان Japan 1973 Ranked World No. 14 in singles and World No. 98 in doubles in 1995
ماريك جانسين هولندا Netherlands 1944 1971 French Open semifinalist
آن شيفر ألمانيا Germany 1987 Ranked World No. 165 in 2009
كلودين شاول لوكسمبورغ Luxembourg 1983 Ranked World No. 41 in singles and World No. 71 in doubles in 2004
شانل سكيبرز جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1984 Ranked World No. 148 in singles and World No. 133 in doubles in 2009
بربارا شيت النمسا Austria 1976 Ranked World No. 7 in singles in 1999 and World No. 8 in doubles in 2001
فرانشيسكا سكيافوني إيطاليا Italy 1980 Ranked World No. 11 in singles in 2006 and World No. 8 in doubles in 2007
باتي شنايدر سويسرا Switzerland 1978 Ranked World No. 7 in singles and World No. 15 in doubles in 2005
جوليا شروف ألمانيا Germany 1982 Ranked World No. 52 in singles and World No. 99 in doubles in 2006
بريندا شولتس مكارثي هولندا Netherlands 1970 Ranked World No. 9 in singles in 1996 and World No. 7 in doubles in 1995
Helga Schultze Hösl Thaw ألمانيا الغربية West Germany 1940 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1964 • 1964 French Championships semifinalist
رينيه شاورمان جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1939 2001 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1963 • 1959 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1959/1961/1962/1963 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1962 French Championships mixed doubles champion
بربارة شفارتز (تنس) النمسا Austria 1979 Ranked World No. 40 in singles in 1999 and World No. 106 in doubles in 2000
Petra Ritter Schwarz النمسا Austria 1972 Ranked World No. 52 in singles in 1995 and World No. 60 in doubles in 1993
مارغريت سكريفن المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1912 2001 2 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1933 and 1934 • 1933/1934 French Championships champion • 1935 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1935 French Championships mixed doubles champion
Heather Segal جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1931 1958 French Championships semifinalist
Ann Marie Seghers 1949/1954 French Championships quarterfinalist
مونيكا سيليش جمهورية يوغوسلافيا الاشتراكية الاتحادية Yugoslavia
الولايات المتحدة United States
1973 9 Ranked World No. 1 in singles at year-end in 1991, 1992, and 1995 • Ranked World No. 16 in doubles in 1991 • 1991/1992/1993/1996 Australian Open champion1990/1991/1992 French Open champion1991/1992 US Open champion
Irina Selyutina كازاخستان Kazakhstan 1979 Ranked World No. 85 in singles in 2002 and World No. 31 in doubles in 2000
ميلاغروس سيغويرا فنزويلا Venezuela 1980 Ranked World No. 48 in singles in 2007 and World No. 29 in doubles in 2005
يوريكا سما اليابان Japan 1986 Ranked World No. 181 in 2007
ماغي سيرنا إسبانيا Spain 1979 Ranked World No. 19 in singles and World No. 25 in doubles in 2004
Adriana Serra Zanetti إيطاليا Italy 1976 Ranked World No. 38 in singles and World No. 69 in doubles in 2002
أنطونيلا سيرا زانيتي إيطاليا Italy 1980 Ranked World No. 60 in singles in 2007 and World No. 47 in doubles in 2006
ديليا سيسسيورينو رومانيا Romania 1986 Ranked World No. 145 in 2004
أناستازيا سيفاستوفا لاتفيا Latvia 1990 Ranked World No. 190 in 2009
سليمة صفر تونس Tunisia 1977 Ranked World No. 75 in singles in 2001 and World No. 47 in doubles in 2008
ماريا شارابوفا روسيا Russia 1987 3 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 2006 • 2004 Wimbledon champion2006 US Open champion2008 Australian Open champion • Ranked World No. 1 for a total of 14 weeks
ميغان شونيسي الولايات المتحدة United States 1979 Ranked World No. 11 in singles in 2001 and World No. 4 in doubles in 2005
ويني شو المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1947 1970 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
دوروثي شيبارد بارون المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1897 1953 1921/1924 Wimbledon quarterfinalist • 1924 Olympic bronze medalist in women's doubles • 1931 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
بيتي ناتال المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1911 1983 1 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1929 • 1930 U.S. Championships champion • 1930/1931/1933 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1931 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1929/1931 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1931/1932 French Championships mixed doubles champion
بام شرايفر الولايات المتحدة United States 1962 Ranked World No. 3 in 1984 • 1984/1985/1987/1988 French Open women's doubles champion • 1981/1982/1983/1984/1986 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1983/1984/1986/1987/1991 US Open women's doubles champion • 1982/1983/1984/1985/1987/1988/1989 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1987 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ياروسلافا شفيدوفا كازاخستان Kazakhstan 1987 Ranked World No. 70 in singles in 2007 and World No. 41 in doubles in 2008
آن غايل سيدو فرنسا France 1979 Ranked World No. 24 in singles in 2000 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2001
نيوزا سيلفا البرتغال Portugal 1983 Ranked World No. 144 in 2009
Brigitte Simon-Glinel فرنسا France 1956 1978 French Open semifinalist
Christina Singer ألمانيا Germany 1968 Ranked World No. 41 in singles in 1995 and World No. 44 in doubles in 1996
Lioudmila Skavronskaia روسيا Russia 1980 Ranked World No. 124 in 2004
Susan Sloane-Lundy الولايات المتحدة United States 1970 Ranked World No. 19 in 1989
أنا سماشنوفا إسرائيل Israel 1976 Ranked World No. 15 in 2003
آن سميث الولايات المتحدة United States 1959 Ranked World No. 12 in 1982 • 1981 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1980/1982 French Open women's doubles champion • 1980 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1981 US Open women's doubles champion • 1980/1984 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1982 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1981/1982 US Open mixed doubles champion
Jean Walker Smith المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1951 • 1951 French Championships semifinalist
سامانثا سميث (تنس) المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1971 Ranked World No. 55 in singles in 1999 and World No. 126 in doubles in 1990
إليزابيث سميلي أستراليا Australia 1963 Ranked World No. 20 in singles in 1987 and World No. 5 in doubles in 1988 • 1985 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1991 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1983/1990 US Open mixed doubles champion
تارا سنايدر الولايات المتحدة United States 1977 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 1998 and World No. 107 in doubles in 2000
سيلفيا سولير إسبينوزا إسبانيا Spain 1987 Ranked World No. 185 in 2008
ميلاني ساوث المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1986 Ranked World No. 99 in singles and World No. 120 in doubles in 2009
أبيغيل سبيرز الولايات المتحدة United States 1981 Ranked World No. 66 in singles in 2005 and World No. 50 in doubles in 2006
هيلدا كراهوينكيل سبيرلنغ ألمانيا Germany
الدنمارك Denmark
1908 1981 3 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1936 • 1935/1936/1937 French Championships champion • 1933 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
ايرينا سبيرليا رومانيا Romania 1974 Ranked World No. 7 in singles in 1997 and World No. 16 in doubles in 1995
كارولينا سبريم كرواتيا Croatia 1984 Ranked World No. 17 in 2004
كاترينا سريبوتنيك سلوفينيا Slovenia 1981 Ranked World No. 20 in singles in 2006 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2008 • 1999/2006 French Open mixed doubles champion • 2003 US Open mixed doubles champion
هانا سروموفا التشيك Czech Republic 1978 Ranked World No. 87 in singles and World No. 63 in doubles in 2006
Shaun Stafford الولايات المتحدة United States 1968 Ranked World No. 48 in singles in 1990 and World No. 33 in doubles in 1994
كاي ستامرز المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1914 2005 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1939 • 1935 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1935/1936 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
كارولين بابكوك الولايات المتحدة United States 1912 1987 Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1934 and 1936 • 1936 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion
جرير ستيفنز جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1957 Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1980 • 1980 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
ألكسندرا ستيفنسون الولايات المتحدة United States 1980 Ranked World No. 18 in singles in 2002 and World No. 67 in doubles in 2003
جورجي جنت المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1988 Ranked World No. 189 in 2009
سامانثا ستوسور أستراليا Australia 1984 Ranked World No. 27 in 2007 • 2006 French Open women's doubles champion • 2005 US Open women's doubles champion • 2005 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 2008 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
بيتي ستوف هولندا Netherlands 1945 Ranked World No. 5 in 1977 • 1972/1979 French Open women's doubles champion • 1972 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1972/1977/1979 US Open women's doubles champion • 1978/1981 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1977/1978 US Open mixed doubles champion
Maria Strandlund السويد Sweden 1969 Ranked World No. 80 in singles in 1989 and World No. 45 in doubles in 1995
أندريا سترنادوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czech Republic 1972 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 1991 and World No. 14 in doubles in 1993
ريناي ستابس أستراليا Australia 1971 Ranked World No. 64 in 1996 • 2000 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2001/2004 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2001 US Open women's doubles champion • 2000 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 2001 US Open mixed doubles champion
كاتارينا ستيودنيكوفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1972 Ranked World No. 31 in singles in 1996 and World No. 62 in doubles in 1995
باولا سوريس الأرجنتين Argentina 1976 Ranked World No. 9 in singles in 2004 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2002 • 2001/2002/2004/2005 French Open women's doubles champion • 2002/2003/2004 US Open women's doubles champion • 2004 Australian Open women's doubles champion
كارلا سواريز نافارو إسبانيا Spain 1988 Ranked World No. 28 in 2009
Elena Subirats المكسيك Mexico 1947 1968 French Open quarterfinalist
مارتينا سوشا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1980 Ranked World No. 37 in 2002
أي سوجياما اليابان Japan 1975 Ranked World No. 8 in singles in 2004 and World No. 1 in doubles in 2000 • 2000 US Open women's doubles champion • 2003 French Open women's doubles champion • 2003 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1999 US Open mixed doubles champion
هيلينا سيكوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czech Republic 1965 Ranked World No. 4 in 1985 • 1990/1992 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1990 French Open women's doubles champion • 1987/1989/1990/1996 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1985/1993 US Open women's doubles champion • 1991 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1994/1996/1997 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1993 US Open mixed doubles champion
فيرا سوكوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1931 1982 Ranked World No. 5 at year-end in 1962 • 1962 Wimbledon runner-up • 1957 French Championships mixed doubles champion
Sheila Piercey Summers جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1919 Ranked World No. 6 at year end in 1947 • 1947/1949 French Championships mixed doubles champion • 1949 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
سان شنجنان الصين China 1987 Ranked World No. 50 in doubles in 2007
صن تيانتيان الصين China 1981 Ranked World No. 77 in singles and World No. 16 in doubles in 2007 • 2008 Australian Open mixed doubles champion
كارين هنتز سوسمان الولايات المتحدة United States 1942 1 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1962 • 1962 Wimbledon champion • 1961/1962 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1964 U.S Championships women's doubles champion
ماي ساتون الولايات المتحدة United States 1886 1975 3 1904 U.S. Championships champion1905/1907 Wimbledon champion • 1904 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion
أستريد سوربيك هولندا Netherlands 1947
أسا سفينسون السويد Sweden 1975 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 1996 and World No. 28 in doubles in 2000
Eva Švíglerová تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czech Republic 1971 Ranked World No. 33 in singles in 1991 and World No. 75 in doubles in 1993
ماريان دي سوارت جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1971 Ranked World No. 28 in singles in 1996 and World No. 11 in doubles in 1998 • 1999 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 2000 French Open mixed doubles champion
Agnes Szatmari رومانيا Romania 1987 Ranked World No. 187 in singles in 2008 and World No. 123 in doubles in 2007
Éva Szabó المجر Hungary 1945 1975 French Open quarterfinalist
أجنيس سافاي المجر Hungary 1988 Ranked World No. 13 in singles in 2008 and World No. 22 in doubles in 2007
إريكا تاكاو اليابان Japan 1987 Ranked World No. 128 in 2006
سيلفيا تالايا كرواتيا Croatia 1978 Ranked World No. 18 in singles in 2000 and World No. 54 in doubles in 2004
إليز تامالا هولندا Netherlands 1984 Ranked World No. 129 in 2007
تامارين تاناسوجارن تايلاند Thailand 1977 Ranked World No. 19 in singles in 2002 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2004
كاثرين تانفير فرنسا France 1965 Ranked World No. 20 in singles in 1984 and World No. 16 in doubles in 1986
Ruth Daphne
"Billie" Tapscott
جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1903 1970 1929 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
باتريشيا تارابيني الأرجنتين Argentina 1968 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1988 and World No. 12 in doubles in 1998
إيلينا تاتاركوفا أوكرانيا Ukraine 1976 Ranked World No. 45 in singles in and World No. 9 in doubles in 1999
آنا تاتيشفيلي جورجيا Georgia 1990 Ranked World No. 152 in 2009
ناتالي توزيا فرنسا France 1967 Ranked World No. 3 in singles in 2000 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2002
سارا تايلور (تنس) الولايات المتحدة United States 1981 Ranked World No. 68 in 2003
رومانا تيدجاكوسوما إندونيسيا Indonesia 1976 Ranked World No. 82 in singles in 1994 and World No. 114 in doubles in 1995
بام تيجواردين الولايات المتحدة United States 1951 1977 French Open quarterfinalist
جودي تيجارت أستراليا Australia 1937 Ranked World No. 7 at year-end in 1968 • 1968 Wimbledon runner-up • 1964/1967/1969/1970 Australian Championships/Open women's doubles champion • 1966 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1966 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1970/1971 US Open women's doubles champion
أندريا تمسفاري المجر Hungary 1966 Ranked World No. 7 in 1984 • 1986 French Open women's doubles champion
Cristinia Tessi الأرجنتين Argentina 1972
ساندرين تستو فرنسا France 1972 Ranked World No. 9 in singles and World No. 8 in doubles in 2000
Petra Thorén فنلندا Finland 1969
أنا تيموتيتش صربيا Serbia 1982 Ranked World No. 199 in 2006
باتريشيا كانينغ تود الولايات المتحدة United States 1922 1 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1950 • 1947 French Championships champion • 1948 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1947 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1948 French Championships mixed doubles champion
ريناتا تومانوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1954 1978 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1978 French Open mixed doubles champion
كريستينا تورنس فاليرو إسبانيا Spain 1974 Ranked World No. 27 in singles in 2002 and World No. 66 in doubles in 2001
كريستين ترومان المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1941 1 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1959 • 1959 French Championships champion • 1960 Australian Championships women's doubles champion
ميلين تو الولايات المتحدة United States 1978 Ranked World No. 35 in singles and World No. 28 in doubles in 2007
Kay Tuckey Maule المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom Ranked World No. 10 at year-end in 1951 • 1951 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
ليندا تورو الولايات المتحدة United States 1950 1971 French Open quarterfinalist
إيرودا تولياجانوفا أوزبكستان Uzbekistan 1982 Ranked World No. 16 in singles and World No. 28 in doubles in 2002
ويندي تيرنبول أستراليا Australia 1952 Ranked World No. 3 in singles in 1985 • 1977 US Open runner-up • 1979 French Open runner-up • 1980 Australian Open runner-up • 1978 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1979 French Open women's doubles champion • 1979/1982 US Open women's doubles champion • 1979/1982 French Open mixed doubles champion • 1980 US Open mixed doubles champion • 1983/1984 Australian Open mixed doubles champion
ليزلي تيرنر باوري أستراليا Australia 1942 2 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1963 • 1963/1965 French Championships champion • 1964/1965/1967 Australian Championships women's doubles champion • 1964/1965 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1964 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1961 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1961/1964 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion
C Tyrell 1926 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Neha Uberoi الولايات المتحدة United States 1986 Ranked World No. 196 in singles in 2007 and World No. 107 in doubles in 2006
شيخا أوبيروا الهند India 1983 Ranked World No. 122 in singles in 2005 and World No. 87 in doubles in 2007
Liana-Gabriela Ungur رومانيا Romania 1985 Ranked World No. 198 in 2008
نيكول فايديسوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1989 Ranked World No. 7 in singles in 2007 and World No. 128 in doubles in 2006
جوليا فاكولنكو أوكرانيا Ukraine 1983 Ranked World No. 32 in 2007
Lucia Valerio إيطاليا Italy 1905 1996 1933 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
ألينا فاشكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1975 Ranked World No. 115 in 2001
ميركا فافرينيتش سويسرا Switzerland 1978 Ranked World No. 76 in 2001
ماريا فينتو كابتشي فنزويلا Venezuela 1974 Ranked World No. 26 in singles and World No. 15 in doubles in 2004
إيلينا فيسنينا روسيا Russia 1986 Ranked World No. 40 in singles in 2008 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2009
أندريا فييرا البرازيل Brazil 1971 Ranked World No. 76 in 1989
ناتالي فيرين إيطاليا Italy 1982 Ranked World No. 103 in 2006
Stephanie de Ville بلجيكا Belgium 1976 Ranked World No. 61 in singles in 1997
روبيرتا فينسي إيطاليا Italy 1983 Ranked World No. 37 in singles in 2006 and World No. 12 in doubles in 2002
سوتشانون فيراتبراسيرت تايلاند Thailand 1983 Ranked World No. 172 in 2004
ستيفاني فوجيلي سويسرا Switzerland 1990 Ranked World No. 119 in singles and World No. 131 in doubles in 2009
Erika Vollmer ألمانيا Germany 1953 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Vlasta Kodesova تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czechoslovakia 1944 1968/1970 French Open quarterfinalist
ريناتا فوراكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1983 Ranked World No. 104 in singles in 2007 and World No. 40 in doubles in 2008
غالينا فوسكوبويفا كازاخستان Kazakhstan 1984 Ranked World No. 64 in singles in 2009 and World No. 31 in doubles in 2007
آنا فرلجيتش كرواتيا Croatia 1984 Ranked World No. 191 in 2008
Bernice Carr Vukovich جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1938
فرجينيا وايد المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1945 3 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1968 • 1968 US Open champion1977 Wimbledon champion1972 Australian Open champion • 1973 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1973 French Open women's doubles champion • 1973/1975 US Open women's doubles champion
شارون والش الولايات المتحدة United States 1952 Ranked World No. 29 in singles in 1984 and World No. 31 in doubles in 1987
وانغ شي تينغ تايوان Taiwan 1973 Ranked World No. 26 in singles in 1993 and World No. 39 in doubles in 1998
باتريشيا وارد هيلز المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1929 Ranked World No. 8 at year-end in 1956
باتريشيا وارتوش النمسا Austria 1978 Ranked World No. 65 in singles in 2000 and World No. 22 in doubles in 2003
ماشونا واشنتون الولايات المتحدة United States 1976 Ranked World No. 50 in singles in 2004 and World No. 55 in doubles in 2005
ساندرا واسرمان بلجيكا Belgium 1970 Ranked World No. 48 in singles and World No. 75 in doubles in 1989
Jolene Watanabe الولايات المتحدة United States 1968 Ranked World No. 72 in 1997
سيندي واتسون أستراليا Australia 1978 Ranked World No. 131 in singles in 2002 and World No. 108 in doubles in 2005
مود واتسون المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1864 1946 2 1884/1885 Wimbledon champion
فيبي هولكروفت واتسون المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1898 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 1929 • 1929 U.S. Championships runner-up • 1928/1929 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1929 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1928 French Championships women's doubles champion
فانيسا ويب كندا Canada 1976 Ranked World No. 107 in singles and World No. 95 in doubles in 2000
مارلين فاينغارتنر ألمانيا Germany 1980 Ranked World No. 36 in 2002
ماري تيران دي ويس الأرجنتين Argentina 1948/1952 French Championships quarterfinalist
Alice Weiwers لوكسمبورغ Luxembourg 1946 French Championships quarterfinalist
كريستينا ويلر أستراليا Australia 1982 Ranked World No. 147 in singles in 2003 and World No. 91 in doubles in 2002
Mimi Arnold Wheeler الولايات المتحدة United States 1939 1958 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
Whitaker, Nancy Chaffee
الولايات المتحدة United States 1929 2002 Ranked World No. 4 at year-end in 1951 • 1951 Wimbledon quarterfinalist
روبن وايت (تنس) الولايات المتحدة United States 1963 Ranked World No. 15 in singles in 1987 and World No. 8 in doubles in 1990 • 1988 US Open women's doubles champion • 1989 US Open mixed doubles champion
Tami Whitlinger الولايات المتحدة United States 1968 Ranked World No. 41 in singles in 1991 and World No. 60 in doubles in 1997
إيلين بينيت ويتينجستال المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1907 1979 Ranked World No. 3 at year-end in 1931 • 1928 French Championships runner-up • 1931 U.S. Championships runner-up • 1928/1931 French Championships women's doubles champion • 1931 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1928/1929 French Championships mixed doubles champion • 1927 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion
سوزانا ويبو إندونيسيا Indonesia 1963 Won the doubles at WTA Tier V event at Pattaya in 1991
يانينا ويكماير بلجيكا Belgium 1989 Ranked World No. 62 in singles in 2008 and World No. 126 in doubles in 2007
أنجيليك ويدجاجا إندونيسيا Indonesia 1984 Ranked World No. 55 in singles in 2003 and World No. 15 in doubles in 2004
Jennifer Widjaja البرازيل Brazil 1986 Ranked World No. 186 in 2007
لينكا وينروفا سلوفاكيا Slovakia 1988 Ranked World No. 167 in 2009
جوديث ويزنر النمسا Austria 1966 Ranked World No. 12 in singles in 1997 and World No. 29 in doubles in 1989 • 1996 Wimbledon quaraterfinalist • 1996 US Open quarterfinalist
هازل هوتشكيس وايتمان الولايات المتحدة United States 1886 1974 4 1909/1910/1911/1919 U.S. Championships champion • 1909/1910/1911/1915/1924/1928 U.S. Championships women's doubles champion • 1924 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1909/1910/1911/1915/1918/1920 U.S. Championships mixed doubles champion • 1924 Olympic gold medalist in women's doubles and mixed doubles
سيرينا ويليامز الولايات المتحدة United States 1981 10 Ranked World No. 1 at year-end in 2002 • 1999/2002/2008 US Open champion2002 French Open champion2002/2003 Wimbledon champion2003/2005/2007/2009 Australian Open champion • 1999 French Open women's doubles champion • 1999 US Open women's doubles champion • 2000/2002/2008 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2001/2003/2009 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1998 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion • 1998 US Open mixed doubles champion • Ranked World No. 1 for a total of 57 weeks
فينوس ويليامز الولايات المتحدة United States 1980 7 Ranked World No. 2 at year-end in 2002 • 2000/2001/2005/2007/2008 Wimbledon champion2000/2001 US Open champion • 1999 US Open women's doubles champion • 2000/2002/2008 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 2001/2003/2009 Australian Open women's doubles champion 1998 Australian Open mixed doubles champion • 1998 French Open mixed doubles champion • Ranked World No. 1 for a total of 11 weeks
Julia Wipplinger جنوب أفريقيا South Africa 1952 French Championships quarterfinalist
ماريان ويرديل الولايات المتحدة United States 1967 Ranked World No. 21 in singles in 1995 and World No. 45 in doubles in 1992
كاترين وورل شيلر ألمانيا Germany 1984 Ranked World No. 138 in 2006
كلير وود المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom 1968 Ranked World No. 77 in singles in 1994 and World No. 59 in doubles in 1996
كارولين فوزنياكي الدنمارك Denmark 1990 Ranked World No. 11 in singles in 2009 and World No. 74 in doubles in 2009
ألكسندرا فوزنياك كندا Canada 1987 Ranked World No. 26 in 2009
شي يانزي الصين China 1984 Ranked World No. 184 in 2004
أناستاسيا ياكيموفا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1986 Ranked World No. 49 in singles and World No. 67 in doubles in 2006
يان زي الصين China 1984 Ranked World No. 40 in singles in 2008 and World No. 4 in doubles in 2006 • 2006 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2006 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Yi Jing-Qian الصين China 1974 Ranked World No. 69 in 1996
توموكو يونيمورا اليابان Japan 1982 Ranked World No. 155 in 2009
يوكا يوشيدا اليابان Japan 1976 Ranked World No. 52 in singles in 1997 and World No. 51 in doubles in 1999
يوان منغ الصين China 1986 Ranked World No. 86 in 2008
باربورا ستريكوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1986 Ranked World No. 55 in singles in 2004 and World No. 34 in doubles in 2006
ساندرا زاهلافوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1985 Ranked World No. 139 in 2007
كلارا كوكالوفا التشيك Czech Republic 1982 Ranked World No. 27 in 2006
إيمانويلا زاردو سويسرا Switzerland 1970 Ranked World No. 27 in 1991
ماشا زيك بشكيريتش سلوفينيا Slovenia 1987 Ranked World No. 126 in 2009
شواي تشانغ الصين China 1989 Ranked World No. 132 in singles in 2007 and World No. 130 in doubles in 2008
تشينج جي الصين China 1983 Ranked World No. 17 in singles in 2009 and World No. 3 in doubles in 2006 • 2006 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 2006 Wimbledon women's doubles champion
Maja Zivec-Skulj ألمانيا Germany 1973 Ranked World No. 193 in 1997
رادكا زروباكوفا تشيكوسلوفاكيا Czech Republic 1970 Ranked World No. 22 in singles in 1991 and World No. 38 in doubles in 1993
فابيولا زولاغا كولومبيا Colombia 1979 Ranked World No. 16 in singles in 2005 and World No. 128 in doubles in 1999
نتاشا زفريفا روسيا البيضاء Belarus 1971 Ranked World No. 5 in singles in 1989 and World No. 1 in doubles in 1991 • 1989/1992/1993/1994/1995/1997 French Open women's doubles champion • 1991/1992/1995/1996 US Open women's doubles champion • 1991/1992/1993/1994/1997 Wimbledon women's doubles champion • 1993/1994/1997 Australian Open women's doubles champion • 1990/1995 Australian Open mixed doubles champion
فيرا زفوناريفا روسيا Russia 1984 Ranked World No. 5 in singles in 2009 and World No. 9 in doubles in 2005 • 2006 US Open women's doubles champion • 2004 US Open mixed doubles champion • 2006 Wimbledon mixed doubles champion

موسوعات ذات صلة :