
إقليم خوماس

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إقليم خوماس
Namibia Regions Khomas 250px.png
معلومات عامة
الدولة :  ناميبيا
الإقليم : إقليم خوماس
العاصمة: ويندهوك
المساحة : 36,805 (كم²)
السكان : 340,900 نسمة (2011)[1]

خوماس هو واحدة من الأقاليم الثلاثة عشر في ناميبيا. عاصمته ويندهوك وهي عاصمة البلاد لهذا السبب يتفوق الإقليم على باقي الأقاليم في البنية التحتية للنقل . كما يملك بنيت متطورة في القطاعات الاقتصادية، والمالية، والتجارية. يشغل إقليم خوماس نسبة 4.5٪ من مساحة المساحة في ناميبيا [2] ولكن به أعلى نسبة من السكان مقارنة مع باقي أقاليم البلاد (15٪). خوماس هي واحدة من ثلاث اقاليم لا تطل على البحر ولا تملك الحدود الخارجية. له حدود مشتركة مع الأقاليم التالية:


The region comprises nine constituencies:[3]

  1. Tobias Hainyeko
  2. Moses ǁGaroëb
  3. Samora Machel
  4. Katutura Central
  5. Katutura East
  6. Khomasdal North
  7. Windhoek West
  8. Windhoek East
  9. Windhoek Rural
  10. John Pandeni

Khomas is important electorally, as nearly 17% of the total votes in the 2004 election came from this region.

الانتخابات البرلمانية 2004

SWAPO won Khomas Region by a wide majority, though with a lower percentage of the total vote than nationally.

نتائج الانتخابات البرلمانية 2004

التركيبة السكانية

According to the Namibia 2001 Population and Housing Census, Khomas had a population of 250,262 (123,613 females and 126,648 males or 102 males for every 100 females) growing at an annual rate of 4%. The معدل الخصوبة الكلي was 4.9 children per woman. 93% lived in urban areas while 7% lived in rural areas, and with an area of 37,007 km2, the population density was 6.8 persons per km2. By age, 11% of the population was under 5 years old, 18% between 5–14 years, 67% between 15–59 years, and 4% 60 years and older. The population was divided into 58,580 households, with an average size of 4.2 persons. 36% of households had a female head of house, while 64% had a male. For those 15 years and older, 61% had never married, 24% married with certificate, 3% married traditionally, 7% married concensually, 2% were divorced or separated, and 2% were widowed.[4]

The most commonly spoken languages at home were Oshiwambo (37% of households), لغة أفريقانية (24%), and Nama/Damara (13%). For those 15 years and older, the literacy rate was 94%. In terms of education, 87% of girls and 86% of boys between the ages of 6-15 were attending school, and of those 15 years and older, 76% had left school, 12% were currently at school, and 8% had never attended.[4]

The employment rate for the labor force (46% of those 15+) was 71% employed and 29% unemployed. For those 15+ years old and not in the labor force (50%), 55% were students, 25% homeakers, and 20% retired, too old, etc.[4]

Among households, 98% had ماء الشرب, 20% no toilet facility, 69% electricity for lighting, 83% access to أنظمة راديو, and 9% had wood or charcoal for cooking. In terms of households' main sources of income, 1% derived it from farming, 74% from wages and salaries, 7% cash remittances, 11% from business or non-farming, and 4% from pension.[4]

For every 1000 live births there were 53 female infant deaths and 54 male. The life expectancy at birth was 56 years for females and 54 for males. Among children younger than 15, 5% had lost a mother, 10% a father, and 1% were orphaned by both parents. 4% of the entire population had a disability, of which 22% were deaf, 44% blind, 11% had a speech disability, 9% hand disability, 15% leg disability, and 4% mental disability.[4]


  1. النمو السكاني في نامبيا /archive/2012/april/article/namibias-population-hits-21-million/ - تصفح: نسخة محفوظة 16 ديسمبر 2019 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  2. Kapitako, Alvine (12 November 2010). "ELECTIONS 2010: Khomas Region profile". New Era. مؤرشف من الأصل في 05 ديسمبر 2012.
  3. Khomas constituencies at the Electoral Commission of Namibia
  4. "Khomas Region – Census Indicators, 2001". National Planning Commission. 2001. مؤرشف من الأصل في 28 أغسطس 201327 ديسمبر 2008.

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