هذه قائمة لبعض الأشكال رياضيات .
منحنيات جبرية
منحنيات عقلانية
درجة 2
درجة 3
درجة 4
درجة 5
- Quintic of l'Hospital
درجة 6
أسر درجة المتغير
- دويري فوقي
- Epispiral
- منحنى عجلي فوقي
- دويري تحتي
- مسار ليساجوس
- Poinsot's spirals
- Rational normal curve
- Rose curve
منحنيات واحدة الجنس
منحنيات مع جنس كبير من واحدة
- Butterfly curve (algebraic)
- Elkies trinomial curves
- Hyperelliptic curve
- Klein quartic
- Classical modular curve
- Bolza surface
- Macbeath surface
أسر منحنيات مع جنس متغير
منحنيات متعالية
- مسار ليساجوس
- Brachistochrone
- Butterfly curve (transcendental)
- سلسلي
- Clélies
- Cochleoid
- دويري
- Horopter
- Interscendental curve: A curve defined using irrational exponents, such as y=x√2. See قائمة الأشكال, p. 206)
- Isochrone
- بيضاوي فائق
- Pursuit curve
- Rhumb line
- حلزون (رياضيات)s
- Syntractrix
- منحنى متساوي المماسات
- Trochoid
تراكيب دالة متعددة التعريف
منحنيات متولدة بمنحنيات أخرى
منحنيات مكان
- Conchospiral
- لولب (رياضيات)
- Tendril perversion (a transition between back-to-back helices)
- Hemihelix, a quasi-helical shape characterized by multiple tendril perversions
- Seiffert's spiral
- Slinky spiral
- Twisted cubic
- Viviani's curve
Surfaces in 3-space
Minimal surfaces
- Catalan's minimal surface
- Costa's minimal surface
- Catenoid
- Enneper surface
- Gyroid
- سطح حلزوني
- Lidinoid
- Riemann's minimal surface
- Saddle tower
- Scherk surface
- Schwarz minimal surface
- Triply periodic minimal surface
سطوح لا-أطراف
سطح درجة ثانية
Pseudospherical surfaces
سطوح جبرية
أنظر قائمة السطوح الجبرية.
- Cayley cubic
- Barth sextic
- Clebsch cubic
- Monkey saddle (saddle-like surface for 3 legs.)
- طارة (رياضيات)
- Dupin cyclide (inversion of a torus)
- Whitney umbrella
سطوح التأثيرات
- right conoid (a سطح مسطر)
كسور عشوائية
- ندفة الثلج لكوخ مع كسور فاصلة
- ندفة الثلج لكوخ مع كسور موجهة
- Boundary of Brownian motion
- 2D polymer
- Percolation front in 2D, Corrosion front in 2D
- diffusion-limited aggregation
- Random walk with no self-intersection
- 3D polymer
- 2D percolation cluster hull
- نظرية التخلل
- حركة براونية
- شكل ليشتنبرغ
- حركة براونية
- نظرية التخلل
- Multiplicative cascade
Regular Polytopes
This table shows a summary of regular polytope counts by dimension.
بعد | محدب | Nonconvex | Convex Euclidean |
Convex hyperbolic |
Nonconvex hyperbolic |
Hyperbolic Tessellations with infinite cells |
Abstract Polytopes |
1 | 1 line segment | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2 | ∞ مضلع | ∞ قائمة الأشكال | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ∞ |
3 | 5 قائمة الأشكال | 4 قائمة الأشكال | 3 قائمة الأشكال | ∞ | ∞ | ∞ | ∞ |
4 | 6 قائمة الأشكال | 10 قائمة الأشكال | 1 قرص عسل | 4 | 0 | 11 | ∞ |
5 | 3 قائمة الأشكال | 0 | 3 قائمة الأشكال | 5 | 4 | 2 | ∞ |
6 | 3 قائمة الأشكال | 0 | 1 قائمة الأشكال | 0 | 0 | 5 | ∞ |
7+ | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ∞ |
There are no nonconvex Euclidean regular tessellations in any number of dimensions.
Polytope elements
The elements of a polytope can be considered according to either their own dimensionality or how many dimensions "down" they are from the body.
- Vertex, a 0-dimensional element
- Edge, a 1-dimensional element
- Face, a 2-dimensional element
- Cell, a 3-dimensional element
- Hypercell or Teron, a 4-dimensional element
The classical convex polytopes may be considered tessellations, or tilings, of spherical space. Tessellations of euclidean and hyperbolic space may also be considered regular polytopes. Note that an 'n'-dimensional polytope actually tessellates a space of one dimension less. For example, the (three-dimensional) platonic solids tessellate the 'two'-dimensional 'surface' of the sphere.
Zero dimension
One-dimensional regular polytope
There is only one polytope in 1 dimension, whose boundaries are the two endpoints of a line segment, represented by the empty Schläfli symbol {}.
Two-dimensional regular polytopes
- مضلع منتظم
- مثلث متساوي الأضلاع
- مهيكل
- مربع
- Cross-polytope
- مكعب زائدي
- خماسي أضلاع
- سداسي أضلاع
- سباعي (مضلع)
- ثماني أضلاع
- تساعي (مضلع)
- عشاري أضلاع
- أحادي عشري
- ذو اثني عشر ضلعا
- ثلاثي عشري
- رباعي عشري
- خماسي عشري
- سداسي عشري (مضلع)
- سباعي عشر
- ثماني عشري
- تساعي عشري
- عشريني
- هكتوغون
- كلياغون
- مضلع منتظم
Degenerate (spherical)
- Henagon
- Digon
Three-dimensional regular polytopes
Degenerate (spherical)
- hosohedron
- dihedron
- Henagon#In spherical geometry
Euclidean tilings
Hyperbolic tilings
Hyperbolic star-tilings
- Order-7 heptagrammic tiling
- Heptagrammic-order heptagonal tiling
- Order-9 enneagrammic tiling
- Enneagrammic-order enneagonal tiling
Four-dimensional regular polytopes
- convex regular 4-polytope
- 5-cell, the 4-space مهيكل
- تسراكت, the 4-space مكعب زائدي
- 16-cell, the 4-space Cross-polytope
- 24-cell
- 120-cell
- 600-cell
Degenerate (spherical)
- Star or (Schläfli–Hess) regular 4-polytope
Tessellations of Euclidean 3-space
Degenerate tessellations of Euclidean 3-space
- hosohedron
- dihedron
- order-2 apeirogonal tiling
- apeirogonal hosohedron
- order-4 square hosohedral honeycomb
- Order-6 triangular hosohedral honeycomb
- hexagonal hosohedral honeycomb
- Order-2 square tiling
- Order-2 triangular tiling
- Order-2 hexagonal tiling
Tessellations of hyperbolic 3-space
- Order-4 dodecahedral honeycomb
- Order-5 dodecahedral honeycomb
- Order-5 cubic honeycomb
- Icosahedral honeycomb
- Order-3 icosahedral honeycomb
- Order-4 octahedral honeycomb
- Triangular tiling honeycomb
- Square tiling honeycomb
- Order-4 square tiling honeycomb
- Order-6 tetrahedral honeycomb
- Order-6 cubic honeycomb
- Order-6 dodecahedral honeycomb
- Hexagonal tiling honeycomb
- Order-4 hexagonal tiling honeycomb
- Order-5 hexagonal tiling honeycomb
- Order-6 hexagonal tiling honeycomb
Five-dimensional regular polytopes and higher
Tessellations of Euclidean 4-space
Tessellations of Euclidean 5-space and higher
- hypercubic honeycomb
- مكعب زائدي
- Square tiling
- Cubic honeycomb
- Tesseractic honeycomb
- 5-cube honeycomb
- 6-cube honeycomb
- 7-cube honeycomb
- 8-cube honeycomb
- hypercubic honeycomb
Tessellations of hyperbolic 4-space
- honeycombs
- Order-5 5-cell honeycomb
- 120-cell honeycomb
- Order-5 tesseractic honeycomb
- Order-4 120-cell honeycomb
- Order-5 120-cell honeycomb
- Order-4 24-cell honeycomb
- Cubic honeycomb honeycomb
- Small stellated 120-cell honeycomb
- Pentagrammic-order 600-cell honeycomb
- Order-5 icosahedral 120-cell honeycomb
- Great 120-cell honeycomb
Tessellations of hyperbolic 5-space
- 5-orthoplex honeycomb
- 24-cell honeycomb honeycomb
- 16-cell honeycomb honeycomb
- Order-4 24-cell honeycomb honeycomb
- Tesseractic honeycomb honeycomb
Abstract polytopes
Non-regular polytopes
2D with 1D surface
- مضلع محدب
- مضلع مقعر
- مضلع قابل للإنشاء
- دائرة محيطة
- مضلع متساوي الزوايا
- مضلع متساوي الأضلاع
- مضلع منتظم
- تبليط بنروز
- متعدد الأشكال
- balbis
- Gnomon
- Golygon
- star without crossing lines
- نجمة (مضلع)
Polygons named for their number of sides
Uniform polyhedra
- متعدد سطوح منتظم
- مجسم أفلاطوني
- Kepler–Poinsot polyhedron (regular star polyhedra)
- Abstract regular polyhedra (Projective polyhedron)
- صلب أرخميدي
- prismatic uniform polyhedron
Duals of uniform polyhedra
- Catalan solid
- triakis tetrahedron
- Rhombic dodecahedron
- Triakis octahedron
- Tetrakis hexahedron
- Deltoidal icositetrahedron
- Disdyakis dodecahedron
- Pentagonal icositetrahedron
- Rhombic triacontahedron
- Triakis icosahedron
- Pentakis dodecahedron
- Deltoidal hexecontahedron
- Disdyakis triacontahedron
- Pentagonal hexecontahedron
- non-convex
Johnson solids
Other nonuniform polyhedra
- هرم (هندسة)
- هرم مزدوج
- disphenoid
- متوازي السطوح
- متوازي مستطيلات
- Rhombohedron
- trapezohedron
- frustum
- Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron
- Rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron
- truncated trapezohedron
- deltahedron
- zonohedron
- بريسماتويد
- cupola
- bicupola
Spherical polyhedra
- Convex uniform honeycomb
- Dual uniform honeycomb
- Others
- Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb
- Weaire–Phelan structure
- Order-4 dodecahedral honeycomb
- Order-5 cubic honeycomb
- Order-5 dodecahedral honeycomb
- Icosahedral honeycomb
Regular and uniform compound polyhedra
- 4-polytope
- hecatonicosachoron
- hexacosichoron
- hexadecachoron
- icositetrachoron
- pentachoron
- tesseract
- spherical cone
- Convex regular 4-polytope
- 5-cell, Tesseract, 16-cell, 24-cell, 120-cell, 600-cell
- Abstract regular polytope
- 11-cell, 57-cell
- Icosahedral 120-cell, Small stellated 120-cell, Great 120-cell, Grand 120-cell, Great stellated 120-cell, Grand stellated 120-cell, Great grand 120-cell, Great icosahedral 120-cell, Grand 600-cell, Great grand stellated 120-cell
- Uniform 4-polytope
- Rectified 5-cell, Truncated 5-cell, Cantellated 5-cell, Runcinated 5-cell
- Rectified tesseract, Truncated tesseract, Cantellated tesseract, Runcinated tesseract
- Rectified 16-cell, Truncated 16-cell
- Rectified 24-cell, Truncated 24-cell, Cantellated 24-cell, Runcinated 24-cell, Snub 24-cell
- Rectified 120-cell, Truncated 120-cell, Cantellated 120-cell, Runcinated 120-cell
- Rectified 600-cell, Truncated 600-cell, Cantellated 600-cell
- Grand antiprism
- Duoprism
- Tetrahedral prism, Truncated tetrahedral prism
- Truncated cubic prism, Truncated octahedral prism, Cuboctahedral prism, Rhombicuboctahedral prism, Truncated cuboctahedral prism, Snub cubic prism
- Truncated dodecahedral prism, Truncated icosahedral prism, Icosidodecahedral prism, Rhombicosidodecahedral prism, Truncated icosidodecahedral prism, Snub dodecahedral prism
5D with 4D surfaces
Six dimensions
- 6-simplex, Rectified 6-simplex, Truncated 6-simplex, Cantellated 6-simplex, Runcinated 6-simplex, Stericated 6-simplex, Pentellated 6-simplex
- 6-demicube, Truncated 6-demicube, Cantellated 6-demicube, Runcinated 6-demicube, Stericated 6-demicube
- 6-cube, Rectified 6-cube, 6-cube, Truncated 6-cube, Cantellated 6-cube, Runcinated 6-cube, Stericated 6-cube, Pentellated 6-cube
- 6-orthoplex, Rectified 6-orthoplex, Truncated 6-orthoplex, Cantellated 6-orthoplex, Runcinated 6-orthoplex, Stericated 6-orthoplex
- 122 polytope, 221 polytope
- 6-cubic honeycomb
- 6-simplex honeycomb
- 6-demicubic honeycomb
- 222 honeycomb
Seven dimensions
- Seven-dimensional space, uniform 7-polytope
- 7-simplex, Rectified 7-simplex, Truncated 7-simplex, Cantellated 7-simplex, Runcinated 7-simplex, Stericated 7-simplex, Pentellated 7-simplex, Hexicated 7-simplex
- 7-demicube, Truncated 7-demicube, Cantellated 7-demicube, Runcinated 7-demicube, Stericated 7-demicube, Pentellated 7-demicube
- 7-cube, Rectified 7-cube, 7-cube, Truncated 7-cube, Cantellated 7-cube, Runcinated 7-cube, Stericated 7-cube, Pentellated 7-cube, Hexicated 7-cube
- 7-orthoplex, Rectified 7-orthoplex, Truncated 7-orthoplex, Cantellated 7-orthoplex, Runcinated 7-orthoplex, Stericated 7-orthoplex, Pentellated 7-orthoplex
- 132 polytope, 231 polytope, 321 polytope
- 8-simplex, Rectified 8-simplex, Truncated 8-simplex, Cantellated 8-simplex, Runcinated 8-simplex, Stericated 8-simplex, Pentellated 8-simplex, Hexicated 8-simplex, Heptellated 8-simplex
- 8-orthoplex, Rectified 8-orthoplex, Truncated 8-orthoplex, Cantellated 8-orthoplex, Runcinated 8-orthoplex, Stericated 8-orthoplex, Pentellated 8-orthoplex, Hexicated 8-orthoplex,
- 8-cube, Rectified 8-cube, Truncated 8-cube, Cantellated 8-cube, Runcinated 8-cube, Stericated 8-cube, Pentellated 8-cube, Hexicated 8-cube, Heptellated 8-cube
- 8-demicube, Truncated 8-demicube, Cantellated 8-demicube, Runcinated 8-demicube, Stericated 8-demicube, Pentellated 8-demicube, Hexicated 8-demicube
- 142 polytope, 241 polytope, 421 polytope, Truncated 421 polytope, Truncated 241 polytope, Truncated 142 polytope, Cantellated 421 polytope, Cantellated 241 polytope, Runcinated 421 polytope
Ten dimensions
- 10-cube
- 10-demicube
- 10-orthoplex
- 10-simplex
Dimensional families
- Simplex
- Hypercube
- Cross-polytope
- Uniform polytope
- Demihypercube
- Uniform 1k2 polytope
- Uniform 2k1 polytope
- Uniform k21 polytope
- Honeycombs
- Hypercubic honeycomb
- Alternated hypercubic honeycomb